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Avatar seit: 2006-08-20
Age: 32
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"*+* ƒat ƒoxy\'s biggest ƒan everrr! *+*"

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[x] Hi, I'm Izzy, and I will 'Rock Ur Sox!' Lol...wellity, i am a bit crazyyyyyy... love goin hypa! oh and disney rox my sox, dont diss it! o yer, go me! i luv dis fing. lolz, ma best m8 iz hannah, shez gr8! lol, ma sis is a bit crazy like me, god lurveeeee herrrrrr! well, poniez ALSO rok ma sox, lurve em so much, thats my hobby, horse ridin. errrm, o yer, ma fave horses rock! Foxy- Foxy is my pony. He's SERIOUSLY stunning- strawberry roan four yrs old gelding welsh section A. Luv him so much! Bit naughty tho, but i lurrrve a challenge! Edna- My other pony. Black fell mare. gawjus and LOVELY to canter! She has such a kindness about her- i think its her eyes! Val - she is 5 years old, lovely, nice smooth canter and gallop. she is brilliant with jumping and shows! aww, lurve her! well, i have being doin her in lots more things now! she's brill at jumping, whoa! ermm, i am doing cross country on her, and i am goin to be doin dressarge tests and all on her, she got me 7 rosettes in one show and we swam her in the beach and stuff!!! whoa, brill pony! merlin - an adorable little pony, only 4 or 5 yrs old! he is scared of almost everything, bless him! holly - an adorable old girl who is such a sweetie, she is a little on the lazy side, but other wise, BRILL! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! GP - a gud little boy, around the age of about 7 or 8. GP stands for grey pony, and rumored good pony! awwwww! Daisy - a lovely little girl, whizzy and baby, shes around 4 or 5 and arrived at the stables the same time as merlin! shes an obedient little pony and is very good! Lol Foxy - a lovely little chap! he is a baby TOO! he hasnt been broken in for very long, so is still a little nervous, but he's very cute and good, and wonderful in shows! anyways, fanx for checkin out my homepage, please now leave a comment :) :) :) see ya all soon! Lotsa Love Izzy, {animal lover, mad hatter, and angel with attitude!!!}xxxxxxxxxxx [x]
Voodoo Child ( Rogue Traders ) by flycodes.com
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glitter textglitter textglitter textglitter text glitter textglitter textglitter text glitter textglitter text glitter textglitter textglitter text I will be very grateful if anyone buys me anything, because I've only ever had a sticker as a gift, although I have given lots of gifts! But obviously, you don't have to or anything... I'll stop typing now! Cute Sayclub Animation From Freeglitters.com alt= alt=
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[x] These People Rock! God Luff 'Em! [x]
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