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Avatar since: 21.06.2006

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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting

hi guys, my friend recently change her IMVU account please give a visit.

Her name is Ann. Very sweet gal.

Click the image banner below to enter her IMVU page.

xiaoxue's IMVU pagexiaoxue's IMVU pagexiaoxue's IMVU pagexiaoxue's IMVU pagexiaoxue's IMVU pagexiaoxue's IMVU pagexiaoxue's IMVU pagexiaoxue's IMVU pagexiaoxue's IMVU pagexiaoxue's IMVU pagexiaoxue's IMVU page


Click here to give xiaoxue more *HUGS*

still think about how to re-do my homepage.
sorry ppl my imvu have some problem i keep getting error. hope u wont mind

Im selling credit for singaporean only. Please refer yourself to this


for more information or you can scroll down to myblog section and take a look xD Thanks.

hi ppl once u have visit my page drop me a msg so i know u are here. Once i saw ur msg i visit ur page and leave a msg. 100% confirm will send u a msg. x)

I love IMVU a lot. I always try to on and chat with people in my list. But I dont go around and IM people. So dont just accrues me say is me who are the one IM u. I dont need to do this. I come in is to enjoy chat and make friends around. Im not here for you to screw or scold me for nothing. I hope that the IMVU is to bring happy and joy to people who wish to chat.
All chatters please take note of this.
Thank you!!
Im just a normal gal. Dont really like to throw my temper to anyone. Happy go luck is me and i hate AP ppl
due to the space in IMVU i actally shorten my intro. If you want to know more about me you can visit @ About Myself or go the MYURL. I just want to make sure that I have enough space for my imvu xD

try to find out this game how it play very cute

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