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well this is lamya better known as mya or chica so yea i got my crushes my drama, my frinnds! well i havent changed this thang in forever so i guess i could. well lets start off with the basics, im 15 yea, i know i know, people always tell me " you look older than 16!" well yea, but im only 15 so people ask me what school do you go to? i am currently sittin at Lancaster High, yea i rep them Lancaster Tigers. i was born in los angeles, California, grew up in Las Vegas, && moved down here to texas in the summer
i love to play sports, especially volleyball! Varsity since when i was a freshman. i dare you to challange me. i run track, hurdles, 100 meter dash, and the 1600 thang, where you run 4 laps around the track. yahh bitch yahh, nobody really thinks im an athletic girl. The main popper-upper question. DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?, currently no, but that will change real soon, i want somebody that will treat me right, love me, just treat me like your mom, lol thats all i ask of, because the past few boyfriends ive had, not the typical type you would want, but wow, ive already written like a half a page on myself. lol. i`m a sweet down to earth girl! i`m laid back, cool, crazy, funky, fun, funny, goofy, sometimes smart. i`m understanding, confident, happy at the moment! i`m unique, quiet at times, shy sometimes! i can be a fun nice girl. or i can be a horrible mean person lol. it depends on how you respect me and accept me for me. concited at times. treat me right please, or i will become a mean ass biotch, and i would hate for you guys to see that side of me. its a really horrible side. i`m always up for challenge! i`m down to do mostly anything! i love to dance, chill, eat, sleep, listen to music, watch movies alone, cry lol, be stupid, have fun. shop, clean ((it makes me calm)), goof around, mess around with people, and i love to speak my mind. i love to listen to other peoples problems and help them out! i plan on being a choreographer, or a model! My layouts, gahh how do i explain this one, i know hoe, DONT TAKE EM. PLEEZE! this girl makes them for me, && i really dont want them on anybody elses page, you can ask me, i have millions of em, ill let you borrow one, lol. && pleeze dont steal my pictures its dumb && very childish, but i could really sit here && write a whole novel on myself, but naww this is already enough, so get at me with some messages, ill respond = ] . if you find me interesting, weird, or crazy. get at me i`m always down to meet a new friend or two! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Avatar seit: 2007-03-18
Age: 33
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"Ni99ah =]] Im Looking for somebody i can call boo"

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