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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Hellur.My name is Cassandra Renee Ross.I live in Oregon U.S and A. I'm 10 years old. ha Im taken by my amazing boyfriend <3 I love him soo very much he means the entire world to me I hope we are together forever and ever, i truly do love him with all my heart..:D <3 you skylerrr :D image and video hosting by tinypic 7♥7♥11 Oh and FYI i take tons of pics of myself. ^_^ I smoke weed, and sometimes drink. I keep it real
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[MT] Sky.Soho.Eyes2G3. Aztec? TopF| Rolinda Ash† galaxy shades-tgm- Ali~nude
!j Morgana Blond Brown[+]LeopardCross|Hoodie|F(Ð) Summer Fruit | HoneyDiamond EyeLiner Make-up*L Fantasia2 V2
[GB] Telephone Dance V1NLNT*Diamond Halo~*F~ Blonde DoyleZ7 Spellbound: Night F{e}Waterlily Morning
[bq] Voyage-Diva EarringHB Diamond Nose Piercing[MT]RealisticEyebrow LBrJordan AFJ 6 GrayONGrayspacer
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