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Avatar seit: 2006-07-10
Age: 35
United States - NJ
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"...you want reality?!"

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I don't even know what it is, all i know is i wana see it. Vampire=joy.

Friends, guitar, Art, inuyasha, music, Scorpio, United States - NJ, Tae Kwon Do
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What Mythical Creature are you?
Your Result: Vampire

Are you comfortable in the dark? Love to wander? Find yourself watching people from a distance? Then your mythological creature is a vampire. Secluding themselves in darkness, vampires are often known to posess certain powers of attraction and manipulation over others, especially humans. Vampires often travel among humans, especially at night, feeding off their blood in order to survive. Vampires are known to have the most passionate love lives, connecting with their lover not only sexually, but emotionally, and on a physically dependend level, (the need for their mate's blood.)Vampires are driven almost completely on primal instinct, and because of this, are known to be darker, or evil.

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Things that make me say "hmmmm"

"I won't go down by myself, but I'll go down with my friends"
Album: Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
Song: You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison

"'look a dead cat"
"if only i had a stick"
"look a stick"
"If only i had a blunt metal object"
"look, part of a crowbar"
"Maybe if i had some firecrackers"
"ah hah!"
Lesson learned, there's good news and bad news, good news, god exists, bad news, he favors me

". . .He said as he faded away 'don't put your life in someone one's hands they're bound to steal it away, don't hide your mistakes cause they'll find you, burn you', then he said 'If you want to get out alive, run for your life . . ."
----Three Days Grace----
Song: Get out Alive, Album: One X

"Comedy is only the art of telling truth"

"I rose, I roared, I will, I am"
----A Perfect Circle----
The Song is called 'Rose' it plays in the vampire clip I have on this page.

"Forever is nothing more than a figment in the mind of a child"

"I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I ever had."
----Gary Jules----
a song called mad world from an awshome movie called donnie darko (sp?)

"Follow your heart but remember your head has the eyes"

"Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions."
----Edgar Cayce----

"I don't know where I am, and I don't really care, I look myself in the eye there's no one there."
from the song Crystal Ball, The song is my basic mood most of the time>

"I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure--which is: Try to please everybody."
----Herbert Bayard Swope----
Dedicated to my friend vixen

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall."

"We don't live in a world of reality, we live in a world of perceptions."
----Gerald J. Simmons----

"Take heed: you do not find what you do not seek."

"Never be afraid to try new things, just remember Noah's Arc was built by amateurs, The Titanic was built by professionals."
random e-mail

"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."
'nother random e-mail

"Mommy I don't like him, he bends in too many places"
one of the many hilarious random things she says every day ^,..,^

"I reject this reality and substitute my own!"
----Adam Savage----
Not sure if i spelled that right but that's how you say it at least =\

"If you don't know where you're going you'll end up someplace else."
----Yogi Berra----
No I'm not kidding that's who said it

"Keeping pain bottled up inside is like drinking poison every day and wishing someone else to die."

"Yes the world will end in. . . .three pages."
talking about the ending of bloddy bones (an Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Novel)

"Before you insult someone you should walk a mile in their shoes so then, you're a mile away from them and you have their shoes."

"Where's a nice sharp pointy object when you need it?"
"Just out of your reach."
----Beth & I----
Talking about my story

"Judge me
and I will prove you wrong
Tell me what to do
and I will tell you off
Say I am not worth it
and watch where I end up
Call me a bitch
and I will show you one
Fuck me over
and I will do it to you twice as bad
Call me crazy
but you really have no idea"
And aint it the truth. My friend dez said it to me but i know i have seen this quote elsewhere so I can't say I know where it came from.

"'And stop calling me ma fucking petite '
He laughed at that, for the first time anger bubled up inside of me. I liked anger it made me brave, and stupid.
'fuck you.'
'I already offered that' (ma petite)"
----Laurell K. Hamilton----
The best line ever in the laughing corpse

"You know what? This is an A and B convorsation so C yourself out before D and E F you up G."
One of the many random and fun quotes she comes up with throughout the day.

" 'Shit Anita, zombies in your apartment, and a mad millionarre after you to preform human sacrifices' her grey eyes searched my face 'you're the only one who has weirder problems than I do'"
----Laurell K. Hamilton----
The laughing corpse, page 155

"Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted. . ."

"Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional."

"Never let someone tell you who you are"
----My Mother----
She might be a psycho but she does say a few inspirational things from time to time.

"If there's a way, find it, if there is an opportunity, take it, if there's a possibility, make it a reality. Stand on your own two feet, your dreams are too valuable to leave in someone else's hands."
---yours truly----
Something everyone should know

"The red fluid of life,
deliciously dripping,
holds me in its tight grip,
its sickly sweet scent,
fills my dark soul,
its thick iron-like taste,
caresses my palate,
it's like an aphrodisiac,
arousing me to climax. . . "
The true motivation of all vampires

"Life. Hope. Truth. Trust.
Faith. Pride. Love. Lust.
Pain. Hate. Lies. Guilt.
Laugh. Cry. Live. Die.

Some friends become enemies
Some friends become your family
Make the best with what your given
This ain't dying
This is living!"
----Good Charlotte----
Album:Good Charlotte
Song: Movin on

"In life, the most important thing is not to conquer, but to fight well."
random quote I saw on a poster in my economics class

"I feel like a teardrop, I am born in your eyes, I live on your cheeks, and die on your lips."
---Fallen Angel---
aka, my baaaaaby ^.^ Random thing he said to me while cuddling.

"Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin"

"What is more important to you? Keeping the peace, or keeping peace of mind?"
Said while in the midst of a conversation about parent troubles

"But I'm only mean to people who tell me to be nice"
----Happy Bunny----
found on the poster on my bedroom wall

"Eat one live toad first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day."
----Harvey Hutter inc----
Found on a Murphy's law poster based on work

"Love me for who I am, Not who you want me to be"
random quote I saw on someone's AIM Icon

"It's better to be a smart idiot than a stupid genius"
random quote I heard on the radio

"Confidence: The feeling you get Before you understand the situation"
Written on the side of her backpack

"I don't know what set me off first, but I know what I can't stand. Everybody acts that the fact of the matter is that I can't add up to what you can."
----Linkin Park----
Excerpt from the song Papercut off the album Hybrid Theory

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it."
----Upton Sinclair----
this quote was used to help explain denial about global warming in the film An Inconvienient Truth

"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency."
----George W. Bush----
June 14, 2001
speaking to Sweedish Prime minister Goran Perrson unaware that a live television camera was still rolling

"How sad is America today? I mean our Leaders are Dick, Colon and Bush!"
----Fallen Angel----
Making a comical point to my father

friendly Freunde 3
visitors Besucher 470
kharma Geschenke 3
generosity Großzügigkeit 49


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