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Avatar seit: 2006-06-29
Alter: 48
United States - FL
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the clash,cramps,iggy pop,deadkennedys,misfits,stuckmojo,biohazard, the dead,CANNIBAL CORPSE, molevlet creation,THREE BAD JACK,"THEY KICK ASS"morbid angle,the doors,dead milkman,circle jerks,KORN and many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SuicideGirls.com - Pin-Up Punk Rock and Goth Girls object width="425" height="350">..> The dead man aswered me thus; "In death i rest.i am at peace. in life i worked and streams of winter better than the melting of spring. All the pride my body knew, Was it not lighter than dust I am?... I am made from the primal spirit. I am a wave in the river of darkness and light. The creator of all is my father and my mother. Heaven is my bed and the earthmy cushion. thunder and lightning are my drum and fan. the sun and moon are my canndle and torch. the milky way is my protective moat,the stars my gems. i am now joined with nature. i am void of passion,all of desire. if you wash me i shall be no whiter. if you foul me i shall still be clean. i do not come, but m here. i do not hasten, but i am swift." the voice ceased and silence followed - the metal twins and Rita, dime bags women
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Who would you be in the War of Armageddon?

The Antichrist
You'd be most fit for the role of The Antichrist in the War of Armageddon. You are the most vile of all human beings ever created. You possess supernatural powers not of this world, granted to you by satan himself. You are perhaps the most intelligent human, with a wit like a fox and the ability to manipulate yourself into or out of any situation. You will conquer the entire earth using manipulation and an iron fist. Mankind is merely a pawn to you, something to use and to abuse. You will lead the dark armies through hell's gates and onto earth to fight the last battle between good and evil.

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enjoy metaphisics. and alchemy and im really sorta a cat person. MySpace Hooker . Ultimate Myspace Resource! http://www.vampirerave.com/signup.php?vampref=shyloc MySpace Hooker . Ultimate Myspace Resource! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory
Vampire Rave
favorite death movie is night of the liveing dead ,fav female movie cat woman,favorite adventure movies is pirite of the caribein fav. boot leg movie is pantra live cowboys from hell., . MySpace Hooker . Ultimate Myspace Resource!
Beer, blood, MetalMusick!!!!!!
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