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Avatar seit: 2006-06-19
Alter: 49
United States - CA
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"Defective as they come"

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I'm A Mom My son Comes 1rst always ! So If I Leave in the middle of a convo I'm sorry it's not u ! My Peeps are cool cats I Luv them to pieces & If ur Not In the slide it's prob caz I havent talked to U enough to get to know U ! Btw I Killed Alice the bitch wouldnt Share her tea ! LMAO , I Am A Bitch Yes I Know this If U have a prob with it dont talk to me!!! LOL ALSO Mess With My Family Ur Messing with Me So Be NICE!!! Caz Im A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
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http://blog.myspace.com/kissofpoetry Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting HaHa Azzy & I are just Really GOOD Friends Ur all dorks! HE's The Bomb Ok Ur all dorks stop checking up on me will ya U know who U are!!
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My Mom She's Always there for me !!!!
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If U Know me and drop by my page Please leave a message !!! Some Of U will Notice I Have a thing for S & M If U Cant Hang with it tell Me k I Wont Play to rough lmao!I dont do the chain message crap so Please dont leave it on my page!! ~~ DP Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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Im Not here to Hook Up So DONT TRY!!!! 4 all U who think u can fix me "I'm Not A CAR!!" I can fix myself In due time! I speak my mind if U have a problem with that move on! I am not a Goal to be Scored Im NOT EASY!!Im not going to be a notch In ur belt , head board or what ever!! So for those who think they can hook up and score MOVE ON!! I am a flirt But that dosent make me EASY!!!
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!!!Anime and Manga Lovers!!!

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