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Avatar seit: 2007-01-04
Age: 31
Die Niederlande
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"I dont say much ................................."

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Wel let me tel you something about me.Im a 13 year old girl from the netherlands who likes : ,music,Anime,Manga (many many manga),wicca(bet u dont know what that is),school*your fainting*(no im no nerd and yes i know the meaning of the word fasshion), And hamsters(my hamster oxnard) hes so cute!!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Meine Wunschliste
I know my wishlist is gigantic and you dont have to give me a gift but feel free if you want My wishlist is just what i want to remember but gifts are always welcome.
TEMARI 2TOPBlack Sakura Uchiha fitGeisha spring dance fan6DP-Poison Rock OutfitCarved Wood Sofa Set
RC Indian Bridal Ruby BRC Indian Sutury MUSICHD Pirate SwingGirls NoseStub DerivablePanda Drop
[M.M] Cindy SwimwearGiannas Swords FEMALEDP-Poison Rock StockingsRC Indian Bridal Ruby GColourful Boho Skirt
Animated Swing Chairc27_2 person Hammock[hd] 10 Pin-Up PosesKnife/Legspacer
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Meine Rankings
friendly Freunde 7
visitors Besucher 397
kharma Geschenke 0
generosity Großzügigkeit 5

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