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Welcome to my page! Message first as I do not do random chats. I only answer chats to people that I know. I'm mostly on for shopping and modeling groups.

Age: 28 Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Straight Relationship Status: Single Location: Tennessee

Accuracy, animals, anime, authenticity, comedy, communication, connection, consistency, counseling, cultures, cursing, dependency, diversity, education, equity, faithfulness, family, fashion, food, gifts, honesty, humanity, independency, intimacy, justice, learning, love, loyalty, manga, maturity, men, milk/dairy products, music, nature, nerdy things, organization, politics, precision, reality, relaxation, reliability, romance, security, sensibility, sjw, sleep, stability, talkative people, thoroughness, water-anything.
Meine Wunschliste
♡ Clear Slides V2🌊 JELLY Slides Black🅽 CRYSTAL BLACK HEELSrequest #2request #41
motiverequest #45high tempobad jokecalm and collective
pressurerequest #51#978#1002#1017
my bwoyspacerspacerspacerspacer

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