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Avatar seit: 2007-01-14
Age: 34
United States - CA
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"You're not alone..."

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love layout powered by HOTFreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments Die Bob!loveTeHe Hi PeOpLe!!! My NaMe Is....UhHh....UmMm....DuHh...Oh YeAh ItS aNgElA (hI!) i'M 13 aNd I lOvE mUsIc!! If U dOnT lIkE rOcK u ShOuLd LeAvE nOw! LoL jK! U cAn StAy! My FaVoRiTe BaNdS aRe: ~tHrEe DaYs GrAcE~, ~BlEsStHeFaLl~, PaRaMoRe, My ChEmIcAl RoMaNcE, pApA rOaCh, BoYs LiKe GiRlS, ThE rEd JuMpSuIt ApPaRaTuS , FaLl OuT bOy, SiLvErStEiN, bReAkInG bEnJaMiN, sUm 41, RiSe AgAiNsT aNd MoRe =] ThEy R aWeSoMe BaNdS!! wOoOoO!!! i AlSo SiNg, write pOeMs, ReAd AnD mOrE sTuFf =] I aM vErY rAnDoM jUsT tO wArN u...ShHhH....i LoVe CrIsS aNgEl...He Is My HeRo!! AnD sO iS tHaT bAnAnA oN uR cOuNtEr ^_^ So InSpiRaTiOnAl!!! I gEt AlL TeArY eYeD wEn I tHiNk AbOuT tHt LiTtLe FeLlA ='] sO iF u WaNt To TaLk To A rAnDoM, NiCe, CrAzY, vEgItArIaN, iNvItE mE tO cHaT aNd Ur LiFe WiLl ChAnGe FoReVer <3 ByEbYe U NoIsY cHiPmUnCkS!! ----XoXo Angela ^_^ Oh BtW www.myspace.com/ihearttdg x] [[No promises that i will add you]]

Meine Wunschliste
Heh ^_^ You don't have to buy me anything...but i'd love yah if you did ^_^ But if you don't i'd still love you :] In a friendly way of course to all those people who are slow xD lol :] Photobucket
Myspace Camera PosesHugaholic(BS) HYPER Stickerell-oh-vee-ee V.1Meow...*Ahem*...RAWR!
CUTe PanDaStellz*Rainbow Panda&&RETR0xCHEETAH[n3] freezePOP corset$R Zombie Panda Tee
Dainty Bare Feet(Ð) Rainbow Baby ~ Kiss{E}Sugar_BubbleGumspacerspacer
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Coole neue Leute
I Belong here!!!!!!!!
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friendly Freunde 9
visitors Besucher 977
kharma Geschenke 9
generosity Großzügigkeit 16

Jemand Besonderes
Cookie ^^' id='specialsomeone-message'>He is such an awesome guy! I love talkin to him & I don't know what I'd do If I never met him :]
Cookie ^^
Meine Gruppen Entdecke IMVU-Gruppen!
Flawless Vanity.

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