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Avatar seit: 2007-07-10
Age: 47
Vereinigte Staaten - LA
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"This world will never be what I expected."

See My Albums (1)

I am currently in school for business managment. I should have my degree for that within a year. Then I will be taking a course in photography to refine my skills.

I am a photographer and I recently started my own photography business. For more information or for booking click the banner below.

Some of the photos I have taken.

I run a paranormal research & investigation team called Seekers Of Unexplained Louisiana. To find out more about it click the banner below to visit the website.

I am very open minded. I'm down to Earth and sarcastic. I'm a little shy until I get to know you. I'm usually not the type to just go up to someone in a crowd and start talking. My Father is from Sicily, Italy, my mother is Cajun French. I was born in New Orleans and have lived in the area my whole life.

It usually takes me a while to make friends because I've been burned before by people who wouldn't know what the word friend truly meant if you read the definition to them. I don't expect anything from my friends that I am not willing to do myself and I make this perfectly clear from the beginning with everyone I meet. I make aquaintances easily enough, but it's harder for me to trust someone enough to become actual friends with them. (Yes, there is a difference) However, once I do make REAL friends, I usually keep them for a very long time.

I'm a bit meticulous and somewhat of a perfectionist. I generally won't quit something until it's done,and it's perfect in my eyes. I focus on details a lot, to me the little things equal the final result.

I believe in trying and doing everything you can in life cuz you never know what you might enjoy or what you might be missing out on. Even if you fail or don't like it, at least you can say you tried!

I believe wisdom comes not only with age, but also with experience. I've been through a lot in my years on this Earth. Life has taught me a lot, and made me stronger...made me who I am today. Some of the many things I've learned include, never take anything for granted, live each day as if it were the last, everything happens for a reason and to be true to yourself. Never sacrifice who you are, or what you believe in for anyone.

Wanna know more? Drop me a line and say hi or check out my myspace page.

I'm on myspace more than I am here.
So if you want to reach me you'd do better to try there.

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
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friendly Freunde 3
visitors Besucher 96
kharma Geschenke 9
generosity Großzügigkeit 0

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Photography - Mountain Scene's and Landscapes

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fushia cocktail dress~MDB~ BLACK DAJI HAIR® Coliseum TempleGold Egyptian pyramid~N~ Chrome Elisa (Long)
(A) Anubisthree days grace shirtInvisible Dance FloorPink Sapphire G EarringsOrnate Copper chair
Grecian Skirt in White[L] Pink Cami w/Tie{K} Black BlouseSparkle Hearts Red TankAngelic beige fashion
hellokitty dress shirtANN Greek Chic WHITEANN Inset Bust Top-PINKspacerspacer
Coole neue Leute
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SpiritSeeker77 has no special someone.
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