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Avatar seit: 2007-03-29
Age: 47
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"All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain."

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Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...

The Gadgeteer

You are the Gadgeteer, the embodiment of steampunk technology. Ironically, many of the things that most define your style are probably too large to easily carry about, but given the opportunity you would prefer to be seen surrounded by boiler engines, gear-driven calculators, and incredible automata. Of all the steampunk fashion styles, you place the greatest emphasis on technological accessories, and you are the most likely to create elaborate gadgets that are as much a part of your outfit as your clothes. You probably have goggles, but unlike most people you consider them to be for more than decoration. Whereas most people might look odd carrying a satchel of tools around, for you they may well be essential. Above all, you remind everyone that what sets the genre apart from Victoriana is simply the level of technology.

Try our other Steampunk test here.

Take The Steampunk Style Test atHelloQuizzy

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
Meine Wunschliste
[A] Ochre Wolven [A]Rusty Coil BracletSteamHeart RegulatorPumpUnisex Brass GogglesSteampunk Casual
[8O8] Bad Boyz IRyu Board Shorts - RavenRed-Tech[DS]BlaBotoom[A] Cog & Gears Eyes [M]
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SergiusMaximus has no special someone.
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kharma Geschenke 3
generosity Großzügigkeit 27

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