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"I will... never become a memory"

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It has been two years following the defeat of Sephiroth, and a disease called Geostigma has spread throughout the world, afflicting many with its ill symptoms of extreme fatigue and open sores on the skin. The now reclusive Cloud finds himself confronted by a strange trio of silver-haired brothers who are the Remnants of Sephiroth, the physical manifestations of Sephiroth's will and spiritual energy. His powerful will allowed him to endure the Lifestream and emerge from it before being fully diluted.

Their leader, the youngest brother Kadaj, would later transform into Sephiroth after absorbing the contents of a case containing Jenova's remains. After his resurrection, Sephiroth reveals that he has been using Geostigma in a plan to corrupt the Lifestream and grant him control of the entire Planet. He would then crash it into another planet, thereby re-enacting Jenova's goal. He and Cloud then engage in their final duel, in which Sephiroth displays various powers surpassing those of other characters featured in the film such as flight, effortlessly slicing off and igniting a huge section of the Shinra building tower, and even calling forth the "tainted lifestream" with a mere wave of his hand to cover the sky. Despite being outmatched, Cloud finally defeats Sephiroth with his new Omnislash Version 5 Limit Break, causing him to fade away and leaving a mortally wounded Kadaj in his place. His final words to Cloud before dissipating, "I will... never be a memory" could be taken to mean that, despite his Remnants returning to the Lifestream and his spirit diluted, Sephiroth will never truly be gone and will continue to exist in one form or another.

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