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Ribbons Page.

welcome (:

My page is like under construction, it's a work in progess.
id say check back soon, but tbh i dont think you really care ? :')
haha anyways i will finish it when i get time. Most likely in the summer
But till then, enjoy whats here, check out my products? and maybe my icon & logo shop?
Anyways, thank you for visiting. :)
Updates/Mini Blog

23/04 - Okay so its been a long sunny week for me, lots of fun enjoying the sun. Even though its the school/sixth form holidays i have been twice this week :0 yes twice, so i have lots of sun to be catching up on. So ill be doing a bit of sunbathing and imvu stuff during today and the next few days. : )
Thank you for visiting, why not check out my products? <33

• Finish page off, becuase its been 'unfinished' for too long.
• Make some premades for my shop
• Start Developing Again
• Get myself some good grades ready for uni ;)
• Create a new competition
Meine neuen Produkte Alle ansehen
R| Noeme Dip DyeR| Cierau Dip DyeR| Dip Dye HerminiaR|Beach Wash ShortsR| Dip Dye FarsirisR| Dip Dye Isidor
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