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Got nowhere to run to baby, come on turn it up!

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Avatar seit: 2006-11-05
Alter: 51
United States - DC
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"There is, however, a fork. Beware of the fork!"

See My Albums (1)

Top Ten Reasons To Chat With Me:

  1. I'm so good with geography, I'll actually know where your country is.
  2. I don't care if you misspell words.
  3. I know a cute joke about a snail.
  4. I'll remember you when I see you again.
  5. I'll say things that will make you laugh.
  6. My computer rarely crashes.
  7. I always have something to talk about.
  8. I'm pretty cute, don't you think?
  9. I don't mind if you disagree with my point of view.
  10. You've already read this far, so you might as well.

Top Five Reasons Not To Chat With Me:

  1. You're a curious minor looking to experiment.
  2. You're a minor.
  3. You're looking for cyber.
  4. You have nothing to chat about.
  5. You're rude and angry, and want someone to take it all out on.

Twenty Random Facts About Me:

  1. I don't own a TV.
  2. I have hiked 15 miles into the middle of nowhere by myself.
  3. I rode a scooter all the around the island of Oahu.
  4. I went to grad school in Canada.
  5. I started smoking when I was 13 and quit when I was 26.
  6. I have never been convicted of a felony.
  7. I have a cat named Distortion.
  8. I've read every book by Thomas Harris a few times over.
  9. I am rabidly opposed to the war on drugs.
  10. I was born and lived most of my life in New Mexico.
  11. I do not own a car and hate driving.
  12. I have an Alex Grey print over my bed.
  13. I am always too warm and use a lot of a/c. I rarely run a heater.
  14. I love big words and people that use them.
  15. I became an emancipated minor at 16.
  16. I once lived in a primitive log cabin for three months.
  17. I have never successfully baked a cake.
  18. I am hypersensitive to light.
  19. I think winter is a lovely season.
  20. I generously reciprocate loyalty and honesty.
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friendly Freunde 3
visitors Besucher 130
kharma Geschenke 1
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