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Avatar since: 23.10.2005

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Beziehungsstatus: in einer Beziehung
Name: Dark Sky

& LJ &

This page is probably best viewed in internet explorer (but I'm not sure..)

Click here to view my IMVU developer products!

If you like my products, or you would just like to support me, you can use this banner, just copy this code (hit ctrl+c after highlighting the code) and paste it somewhere on your page:

Meine neuen Produkte Alle ansehen
Wrist tat ~ sparkle <3Mom2Be ~ Baby hereMom2Be ~ Furry pawsMom2Be ~ Glitter skullMom2Be ~ Made with <3Mom2Be ~ Baby bat
Kontaktiere mich
Before inviting me to an IM, know that I will not accept unless I kind of know you, I'm tired of imbeciles who can't hold up a convertation and expect me to entertain them, and then leave. That's rude and boring. First contact me through telegrams, or it may that I know you from the forums or whatever, as long as we communicated in some sort before IM. Just so you guys know. Yes it may be that I miss an invite, just telegram me.
No the images I make with my avatar are not free to use by everyone.
Make your damn own
BTW, it's illigal to do so, and you are punishable by law when you do so.
You don't steal from stores either, or do you?

Developers whom stuff I think is worth checking out and things like that:
(for using my banner, copy the code provided up here in the 'about me')

Click here to check TNT's awesome products!
Pay Whystler and his astonishing products a visit! you wont regret it
Yeah, I am interested in exchanging banners with other devs.
message add contact forward block
contacting message add contact forward block
Jemand Besonderes
Meine Freunde(80)


Anyone can add me as they please, I do not mind, but just don't expect me to add you back, as I certainly don't add just anyone, I mean, I'd need to have talked to you a few times and/or like you a certain way.. But please let me know if you add me, cause IMVU doesnt let me know who adds me anymore.

I miss her :( wish she could move in with us (she lives at my parents)

Amathis ☠ & Garfield

Made by TempusMori
My Recent Visitors (2)
Meine Rankings
friendly Freunde 80
visitors Besucher 38975
kharma Geschenke 271
generosity Großzügigkeit 2668

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