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Karkat Vantas ♋ Knight of Blood







If you have a certain story line you want to play out, feel free to drop me a message and we can chat about it.


I'm is OC friendly & fandom friendly I am open to all fandoms.

No Godmodding or meta-gaming if you cannot respect this, I will block you.

I have a life outside of the internet. So I may not be here every day.

Do not force my character into a relationship. My character will not be head over heels for yours, when they first meet.

I am a is a multi-shipping RPer.

OOC Drama will not be tolerated.

I like to role-play more than just romantic relationships.

Do not take offense to what the muse will say. It will be IC. If my muses insults your character, I am not. Do not assume I dislike you if he hates your character.

You do not need to perfectly match my writing style.

Get to know me! I RP better when I can talk to the mun OOC.

Do not have your OC related to my muse.

Please be nice and considerate, and I will be the same in return.

I am always down for a AU or crack roleplay. Just ask me about it.


My prince

"When they said the Sufferer and Disciple's love transcended all quadrants, they meant it.
The Disciple was his matesprit, his moiral, his kismesis and his aupice all in one. He was his one and only, and he was his.

We may come from different worlds, but you are my everything. No matter what, you are my Prince and I am your Knight.


Karkat is a very crabby troll, in more ways than one. He spend a lot of time insulting and ranting about both his friends and the kids. This demeanor maybe inspired from the stereotype that people under the Cancer sign are said to be moody and crabby. He constantly insults others in the style of a stereotypical internet troll, supporting his arguments with what seems to be empty logic. Jade has even gone to the point of flipping out at Karkat. In keeping with the crab asshole theme of his personality, he rarely smiles. He is also often seen screaming, pounding his fists against his keyboard, or generally raging when talking to anyone. He is not particularly patient when explaining himself, making even his most sound advice appear to be random insults.

Somewhat similar to Jack Noir, Karkat is ruthlessly ambitious and will grasp at any opportunity for power, but he just doesn't have the subtlety of his troll compatriots and ends with the sharp end of the stick more than once. His real strength is to shepherd his boneheaded troll friends into following a plan, which just gives him another excuse to go off the handle when something does not go according to it. Despite his arrogant and volatile behavior, he proves to be a somewhat effective leader of the twelve trolls. This is acknowledged by some of the trolls and is even stated so by Vriska.

Despite his flippant demeanor, he also seems to care quite deeply for his friends' well being, judging from his tearful reaction to Sollux's apparent death, his seemingly genuine desire to help Eridan and Tavros with their relationship issues with Feferi and Vriska, respectively, and his willingness to revive Kanaya. Towards the end, Karkat seems to show a softer side that hasn't really been shown before. In his final memo, future Karkat leaves a rather emotional story shortly before Kanaya responds to it. At this point he treats her in a friendly and polite manner, something that he's done only with a select few before. He also shows concern that his friendship with Dave will not persist after they meet with the other humans, and later he shows great concern for Terezi when it is discovered she is no longer blind.

Unlike other trolls, Karkat doesn't "wear his blood color on his sleeve," in either the figurative OR literal sense, and is very defensive when asked about it. When he is stabbed by Jack Noir, it turns out his blood is bright red, a nearly unique mutation among trolls, one that he is extremely ashamed of. He and Jack Noir form an alliance when it is revealed that they have the same color of blood, a revelation that shocks Karkat. It is believed that this insecurity is what spurs Karkat to be so crabby all the time.

Karkat uses rich and imaginative language in his particular fashion (e.g. YOU ARE SUCH AN IGNORAMUS I COULD SHIT MILES OF RAGE SNAKE TO CHOKE YOU TO DEATH), but not to the extent of a typing quirk.

Karkat is not nearly as bloodthirsty as some of the other trolls (like Vriska or even Kanaya), and has trouble jumping to action when shit hits the whirling device. If things go off plan and he's not nearby, he gets pissed off and starts yelling at the related parties. If he -is- nearby he either tries to devise a working plan or stands there in shock.

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A user name does not make the roleplayer. Your skills as a writer makes you the character. Never feel bad because your name does not match up with who you are.

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