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Avatar seit: 2007-04-17
Age: 36
United States - NH
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"Oi, oi."

See My Albums (2)

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I'm the one they call Jefuu.
And I enjoy dumb things.
Most people are lame.
I, on the other hand, am awesome.

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power rangers are go!

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the real me:
Geoff, the fun-time wonder boy.
lizard child? no.
monkey dancer? possibly.
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Often not wearing pants to the joy of everyone.
It is pleasurable to watch the swelling.

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friendly Freunde 5
visitors Besucher 45
kharma Geschenke 4
generosity Großzügigkeit 0

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
This is Trisha. Basically she owns you. That's how awesome she is. No lie. Take the best person you know and times it by a few billion. That should almost cover it. And she's pretty to boot. She gets my hearts and xoxo's.

fun, ska, anime, Libra, Drawing, Movies, music, girls, manga, Roleplaying, Comedy, horror, Videogames, United States - NH, DDR, Saving the World, tight pants, procrastinating, fighting zombies
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