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Avatar seit: 2006-03-31
Alter: 59
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"the only things you truly own, are the thing you know!"

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About me:
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High, my name is Lorie. I'm 40 going on 20(In my mind anyways) I'm 6' tall (have been since I was 16, although I think I may be shrinking with age) I'm blonde (gray) THANK YOU CLAIROL!! I'm just a layed back person. I like to be real, enjoy life in all angles. I think that life has so much to offer and we should not let it pass by without leaving a mark. We should let our souls guide us. I like straight forward people. Bald heads, People who don't pretend to be something there not. I like motorcycles! *Coffee* Hanging out with my children(Chris, Addie, Drew, and Mitch). Being with my Grandson, Chase. I dislike fake people (50% of the population!*SAD*), Ignorant people! I dislike people who judge on looks! (we have personalities...Good person = Beautiful, Bad person = Ugly...why should our outside skin be important?) I have ZERO tolerance for prejudice! NO MATTER WHAT....WE BLEED THE SAME COLOR!! I don't like Homophobes, liars, being lost, I don't like boundries or being told to set a limit, There should be no end to your limits! Life's a BLAST! Stop worring about how to live it and have fun!! I have a thing about Vampires...I love them (real or fantasy).....Thier so dark and sexy!! I am a solitary Wiccan...and NO it's not a dark art!...I think all religions are interesting and deserve to be noted...Everyone needs something to believe in.
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Who I'd like to meet:
David Boreanaz *ANGEL* David Draiman *Disturbed*, Dominic Purcell *Blade Trinity*, John Cena *WWE*, The Rock, Kate Beckinsale *Underworld*, Vin Diesel. Other than them... I like meeting interesting~straight forward~honest~outgoing~fer-real people!!!

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Meine Wunschliste
This list is big.....I put things in there that catch my eye and I don't want to lose them.
Tribal Buttefly Magenta(L) Tracy Golden Blonde£ìç Black/Gray Bustier£ìç Black/White BenchChaise Longue (purple)
Runniz Plume(L) Golden Blonde LolitaFASHION MODEL GREEN ROOM(L) Black Bustier V2 TopPink- Halter TopV1
£ìç Brown Snake Skin BusButterfly FramePlatinum AikoEvil Temptress Bundle020°  Blues
LIC™ Blue Denim Shortsspacerspacerspacerspacer
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