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Avatar seit: 2007-08-12
Age: 40
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"TrAdItIoNaL cHoCoLaTe fLaVoUr!"

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IMVU Tweaks Well IMVU addicts and local pheins, what can i say to intice you to follow through with reading my page?..Many men in this cold, hard and sometimes inhumain world are treated differently due to the fact that we are blessed with big balls, a fat shlong and stunning looks. Hi my name is GZA1001....Know me before you judge me. Born as a Super sayain Niuean/German from the fine gen of the Lagatule's. I love myself and its great lol. I love fitness, and fully into running. Skate hard party, harder is my life for sure. I work hard,study hard and drink just as hard (well deserved i reckon lol) I dont got no hate in me, but got haters on me. Those who know me love me, those who dont... well ya missing out lol! I strongly dislike people who uphold an image that reflects negativitie and i strongly admire people who aren't affraid to be them selves (it ruins the purpose of getting to know someone if there shit talkers lol) I love my fam, my mother to heart, my friends and my MC Crew "DS" aka "DESTRUCTIVE STEPS. For those reading my quote for you would be "Love yourself more than others, the more love you have for yourself the more you can offer to those in need, giving love a whole meaning!" Well and with that i will leave you's to it. Get on wit ya bad self baby! YAY YA!
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AnOtHeR WaY tO gEt aT mE Is tHe aLmIgHtY bebo.COM GZA1O!!!!!!!
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EO Club Suit BlkRedAri in CocoaJeans for guy naszy.Layered Polo: Graphic BLayered Polo: Graphic
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