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Avatar seit: 2007-02-06
Age: 41
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"The name is Freddy so get Ready."

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In memory of lil hunter

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting URBAN, Hunter Daniel March 1, 2007 at Metropolitan Hospital. Born May 13, 2004. Cherished son to Stacey (Scaife) and Danny Urban, baby brother to Mackenzie, Nikolas (d. 1999), Jacob and Brookelyn. Dearest grandson to Lise and Mike Vincent and Cathy and Richard Urban, great-grandson of Doris and Alvin Regier, Frank and Alice (d. 2006) Urban, Rita (d. 1994) and Clarence Ouellette (d. 1995), Ruby Scaife (d. 2000). Survived and sorely missed by numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Hunter has gone home to be with big brother Nikolas. Although he was only with us for a very short 2 years, his smile and memory will live in our hearts forever. Perpetual heartfelt thanks go out to the EMS Paramedics, Windsor Police and the unknown Enwin Utilities and Armed Services persons who so valiantly attempted to revive Hunter en route; for their respective obvious concern and compassion. Special thanks go to the hospital staff and in particular Ruth Zwiers, Chaplain for her consoling direction. We know in our hearts that all who were involved share in our grief and loss. In kindness, memorial donations made to the Windsor Regional Hospital, Metropolitan Campus, Pediatric Unit would be appreciated as your expression of sympathy. Visiting on Monday 2-5; 7-9 p.m. Funeral on Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at 10 a.m. from Janisse Bros-Marcotte Funeral Home, 1139 Oouellette Avenue, (519-253-5225) then to St. Christopher's Church for Mass of the Angels at 11 a.m. Interment in Heavenly Rest Cemetery. A tree will be planted in memory of Hunter Urban in the Janisse Bros-Marcotte Heritage Forest. A dedication service will be held on Sunday, September 30, 2007. All are welcome. The Family invites you to sign a Book of Condolence and share your memories on www.janissemarcotte.ca
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