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Avatar seit: 2006-03-16
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"Welcome to the annoying club!"

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don't click this link...i know that it is tempting...http://profile.zwinky.com/zwinkyprofile/main.jhtml?username=frankiegirl2356
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animals, aries, Chatting, video games, United States - CO, toys
Meine Wunschliste
I am a little low on cash so PLZ get something on my wishlist, it doesn't have to be the most expensive one but plz give me a gift...hey I am allowed to beg on my page ;) I found my rollover effect at pYzam.com, They're awesome!
happy island animateBleach° Elf EarsBaby GirlPack On The BackFIRST TALKING MACAW
£ìç White Leather GlovesBlack Silver Adangos joyPoison Black Shades M&FRainbow balloon[ACS] SEXY RED NAILS
Elven Lord - TopazYumi BlackRedPirateBoots(L) Black Pirate V2Hearts 2 TheatreROs School Of Rock New
Permed Hair BROWNW Queen Skinspacerspacerspacer
Coole neue Leute

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1. Do you own anything leather?

2. What kind of car do you drive?

3. Do you find the smell of gas sexy?

4. Are you hot?

5. No, Really. Are you?

6. Yep, You sure are.

7. Have you ever made egg salad? Because really, that's not hot.

8. Name one thing that's hotter than Pork.

9. Do you have any tatoos?

10. Are they of a pig robbing a bank? That'd be awesome.

11. Got any gum?

12. If your mom had dreadlocks, would you tell her?

13. What kind of candy do you want on your birthday?

14. I think dog racing is cool.

15. Are you STILL hot?

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visitors Besucher 576
kharma Geschenke 4
generosity Großzügigkeit 58

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