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I am a

I am on SL for those that are on there as well...look me up under NovaKamilahLyons, Not here often, but I do check in every so often, your messegs may not get replied to immediately...I will ALWAYS AND FOREVER BE DR CAT
Kontaktiere mich

If you are looking for the "BEST" prenatal care for yourself or a friend or pediatric care for your children, drop me a messege to make an appointment at New Beginnings Medical Group

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Jemand Besonderes
The special person in my life on IMVU
is my best friend and rl baby sister MzCarmeljoy....I love you sis

FIND ME ON SL NovaKamilahLyons
Meine Wunschliste
PrettyBae GW Flaresgold and white shineopen roadGlamour Hot Sexy swag Edgy Cute Dope royal diamond natural†. Car Keys 3
The best imvu NPC PRO@EDP.Worker Npc jeanetteNpc police captain ReggiDancing NPCHere Come Felicia!!!
Barn/Chicken CoopFILLE-WURLD1 2020NPC BABYI~Adam Samba NPC*TuxKarina Walking NPC
[H]NPC FS01*FurnRamona 12 3D NPC PROspacerspacerspacer

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