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Avatar seit: 2006-05-31
Age: 38
United States - NY
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"Give me time I will be clear"

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Hi there, my name's Devi- I'm 20 years old and I'm training to become a nurse. I live in New York with my lover Jarett, and our cat Zen. Anything else we can talk about in chat =)

Come join my forum!

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Oh, and one more thing: Don't leave me comments with the caps lock on, it just makes you look stupid.
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
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Meine Wunschliste
Gillian in DecayEgyptian style, Eye of Raspacerspacerspacer
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I'm interested in lots of things...too much to describe here.

Gemini, United States - NY
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DeviLives has no special someone.
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