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DeviantArt | RP Repository


Firstly, thanks for stopping by my page~
(It was recently re-vamped by my sister, Cyandie! Cause she's awesome)


So, I guess there are a few key things you should know about me:

• I am in my second year at university;
This means that I'm usually very busy with homework and assignments, (or drinking my body weight in booze!), so I don't always manage to get online everyday.

• One of the subjects I am studying is English;
So- if you try talking to me without having at least a decent grasp of how grammar and spelling work, then I'm probably going to ignore you. Sorry!

• I am a very happily taken little lady :)

• I'm actually super friendly;
I tend to be a bit awkward around people that I don't know- but otherwise, I reckon I'm pretty easy to get along with!

• Much like every other bird on this planet, if you irritate me, then you'd better redeem yourself pretty quick!
I'm very snarky and sarcastic when I feel like it- it's how my humor works- so try to avoid being on the recieving end :)

• My best friend dislikes you? I dislike you.

• My family dislikes you? I dislike you.

• My best friend likes you? I'm going to interrogate and investigate you, until I understand why.


So- those are the main points about my personality as a whole thing, really :)
If you hadn't grasped it already, I also dabble a bit in some rather creative 'hobbies':

• I draw a bit; see my dA;and my little commissions box!

• I roleplay a bit; see my RPR profile! I've also recently started playing in tabletop roleplay games, which is super fun :D

• I play MMOs, including WoW, Aion and Furcadia :) Message me if you want to find me on any of those!

• I also have a Steam and Origins account, which you'll need to message me for, if you want to add those :)

And everything else, you'll just have to learn along the way!

Thanks again for stopping by my page, do feel free to message me (I won't bite! :D) <3

User: ButtonsAndSpoons

Name: Chloe

Age: 19

Location: United Kingdom

Marital Status: In a relationship

Display Picture Comissions

I draw avatar pictures on request;
Each image costs 7,000 credits.
If you would like one drawing up for you, please message me! :)

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Please note,
I will take no more than 3 commissions at any one time,
So if there are no spaces avaliable, please try checking back later, or message me to enquire! :)


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Cyanide So, this is Cyan. She's my sister, one of my best friends, and I love her~

KalissaRavvann This is Kali; she's my mother, and I love her too~

LukexCatastrophic Oh, and here's Luke; he's my brother, and I also love them, too!~

♪ Your eyes can be so cruel- just as I, can be so cruel~ ♫

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