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What exsists in the world of whence does offer both sides & to every twist shall come with it a turn, a motion of whence doesn't spark, Thy glory is not of my own, but t'was given from the honesty in an eye whom can profondly speak of ones desires.
What kinds are vampires exist? Well, so far I know only two types: Those that drink blood, and those that are psychic. Everyone knows what the first one is, the second is a little unheard of. Psychic vampires live of the bioelectrical impules in their vicims' bodies. This type is a more insidious than the blood drinking type. The vampire that is draining do not know where or what the person is.
"This of this Kind I am Not" *Read More If You Wish*
"Welcome to my homepage, stay as long as you wish, leave me a message if you want to do as well, I'll reply back to you, if you're my taste, even if you're not, I'll still stop by your homepage, to give you a kiss of my silent death" **Welcome**
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I' am what they call a Sanguinarian, I've dranken blood ever since I was the age of 14, I was introduced to it thoroughly by a friend named Savana Hult, Her mother practiced occultism and her father as well practiced some of the same rituals of this religion of theirs, we met when she moved to Colorado a few years before I eventually moved to Colorado from where I was naturally born at, which was Georgia, I've spent most of my life in Georgia until my mother decided she wished to move away, we left Georgia when I was at the age of 6 my mother than moved from Georgia, because my father decided to join the army and we from Georgia to Virginia Beach when I was 8 , it became a little bit of a hastle which my mother was soon tired of so we moved then away from Virginia Beach and resided to California LA when I was 13, Savana and me met through our mothers, my mother was practicing the same beliefs of Savana's mother, and they became well known, my father was an athiest so pretty much he never believed in anything, my mother was never envovling me in non of her exposes, she believed that of her own ways I must choose whatever belief I chosed or whatever path I decided to go on,
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I graduated from High School when I was 17 on June 4, 2003, I than moved back to reside in Colorado in a small town half way near where it was I was living at the time with my parents. I am inside of college still to become a Brain Surgeon, I' am known inside of the college that I' am at inside of Colorado as the Sang Ghost, Or the Blackdeath, because of what it is that I wear and do. I love black and I think it's more of a convenient color, I respect those who do not care of their own taste in style. If you love one color than so be it. I am also famously known for wearing just the same outfit, which is all black, I do not reside in outwarn clothing of which the world does make, I wear only what I like. The ghost theory is of I' am known for being so quiet at what I do, I don't make a peep though they do say, and if I do make a peep it's only when I' am drinking someones blood. *Smiles*
To all of whom who believe Emo is bullshit, it's our life way of who we are, "Fuck You", if you think we're fucked up sons of bithcs, we should of considered your mother one for having you.
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"My name is Tiffany, as you've read up top I am from Colorado, I've been out of the USA quite some times before, I've been to Japan, India, South Africa, Europe, Canada, England, Spain, Italy." As my interest are I do love to travel, I write stories, and some of them are most found inside of my soft spoken words, if you get to no me much better, you'll know my dark side has a reaction to effect non, so please do not be scared if I shock you with my habbits and my curses you do believe, but these curses you've become persuaded as such are really my blessings, inside of the dark I've hidden my faults, reality are for those whom see it as such, but things happen to come across and make it feel unbelievable and not as it would seem, so I for one am not an absolute favor as such, I do love to read on some of my off days, my religion is studying the depth of each soul, you may call it as you wish, but I do not compromise in any favors of such. You may judge me according to your beliefs for everyone has their opinions, and I might I add those of you who are opinionative have a taste flown to be gripped by my heart, Might I taste you for the pleasure of your wishes, I do not wish to scare you off into your own realm of thoughts, but do not perceive me as the facts of the off type, I' am very needy, and very thirsty, sometimes I do wish to show you how we as who we are, come about in this life, and do not wish to harm you with our blessings."
"My wants and desires are nothing more than to feed" *Grins*,"Can I Taste You"
Meine Sandkiste
Yell a painful statement
Yell it for the whole world to hear
Yell it load enough to where your lungs feel cleared
And remember that he's not here (writen By: Sarah Favors)
Sick of saying yes
When my heart says no
Sick of saying that you love me
Then you change your mind and go
Sick of saying you care
When you're never there
Sick of us making love
When you're thinking of her
Sick of being the one you choose second
When your heart keeps on considering
Maybe you should leave me be
And leave to go prosue your destiny
For her to be your girl
Sick of staying up all night
Waiting for you to call
Sick of all of the excuses
Why you never have the time
Sick of my body hurting
Hurting cause of your lust for others
Sick of your promising forever
When forever is never meant to be (writen By: Tedd Rivers)
Love me
Leave me
Go onto another
Use her
Abuse her
Then tell her next that it's over
Fall in
Then fall out
Keep on going through your ups and downs
Say it's not me
Say that it's you
Then you go on and choose death
Fuck her
Fuck me
Fuck those others you've been with as well
Fuck us till we are cast under your spell
Tell us to fuck off
While you fuck somebody else
Fuck her
While she tells you *FUCK YOU!* (writen By: Dove Green)
Who I Became
I was your ho
Your bitch
Became your slut
You never knew how much I loved you
Until you gave up
Now I' am wishing I never met you at all
You was my hope
My dream
My everything
Now to see you gone
I sit back and laugh at myself
Because for you I gave myself completely
Now to know that you never really cared
Even though you said it has nothing to do with me
But now I' ve become
A nobody
Slapt under a rug
Waiting for the blackness to overshadow what's left of my dreams (writen By: Joyce Gray)
I' am in heaven when you kiss me
I' am in hell when you don't
If you never really loved me
Why kiss me at all (Julia Dickermen)
Meine URL
Become As You are
Nothing Less Shall I Give
Rest Within My Arms
Completely Shall You Live
Open To My Chambers
Come To Me Death
Bring With You Your Pleasure
Bring With You Your Pain
Seep As You Wish
Seep As You May
Rest Not Only For You Don't Linger
But Linger To Me Your Silent Kiss
Kiss Me For What I Am Made Up Of
For You Have Built
I Am That Of A Mistress Shapely Formed & Dare Not Misfigured, I Gain Respect As Given, & Now Truly Am Loyal To Those Whom Understand The True Teaching, I do not intertwine those of sexual desires, but rationally I speak only of truths, My rules are simple & not to be tampered with as so. I Bid thee a summers eve In all They Greetings I Bid thee a Farewell
Kontaktiere mich
Those Of You Whom Wish To ConTact My Soul, You May Reach Me At
"Before you contact me, please be sure that you follow my rules before doing so"
"And if you're one who does not like to read, than these rules are made short so that it will comprehend your level of wants and needs."
1. Must Be Opened Minded
2. Must Show Respect
3. Must Not Ask To Be My Girlfriend
"If you know that you can follow these rules, than please proceed on forward, if you're one who can not follow not even two of these rules I've asked of you, than please remove yourself from my homepage at once", "THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME"
" My Interest Might Spark You To Your Death" (((But Lets See)))
Blood! Self-Mutilation! Death! Reading! Mythology! Writing! Photography! Poetry! Music! Emo! Anime! MMROPG! RPG! Traveling! Gender! Sexuality! Bisexuals!
I feast on those whom become my prey, you might as well call me who I am a Vampire, Sanguinarian is what I' am best known as to those of you who know of this name , and if you do not know what Sanguinarian means it's a form of a vampire. I suck off of the lives of the living and I need this all the time I feast. I do not claim to be something that the eyes considers best for those whom can't see. I am who I am and if you can't respect this please pass on by. I drink my own blood at times when I do thirst, it's a wanting need to feel the wormth of the blood sliding down my throat. I've been this way ever since I was 14 my thirst grew rapidly through out the course of the stage of life. Can't change me then, you'll never change me now. What I mean by these words if I' am offending to you please do not judge me, though I love the rath of someones else's beliefs to be placed upon me, do not tempt the tempress or you might not recieve what it is you wanted.
Life is a road thus long and hard, steady when thus it's motion seems as such it does fad, than as such it does waver back into place, such of lives beats can be normal, thusly then may leada stray, thus some say life never goes their way... Ahh... words of wisdom always come from such of never seeking, seek thus the masters the masters seek the weaker, evenly thus vastly nothing ever goes through, for this tempting the more over changes of life, in whence life does move, biten by not of such, the changes ever having such of the dark, and leads ever which way, never leading you home.
" I do wish you would take the time to look at other people who are new like myself"
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Consume me not
Then wait for thy to stay
Forever more was laid into thou heart
Now you stagger about
Everlasting inside of your foolishness
That must I said lead yourself here
Do not be bashful
To your contentment
You've stayed
Now linger to me no more
Forward on we all shall walk
To your heart
Let me be fooled
You've displayed
Your faith
Now that whence I have seen
I shall not see no anymore
For you fad away
Evermore you fad from me
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Ah... This blood
That must I bleed
Everlasting I must see
Fighting with rage
Casting upon it thy bondless curse
I spell thy with my all upon you I do place this bondage
Cut to you bleed thy everlasting one
Is it to my aw... that excites thy rough edges
Must you confort thereof your own
Confronted by your mask withdrawn
Embrased by me not
As for I do watch you die
Parole into thy heart you've placed
Nothing more that can be withdrawn from
Thou voice does ring out with everlasting displeasure
For thou heart must bleed
Shall I let you drip from whence thou blood flows outward
Onto the pearl ground thou must drip
Forever thou must be cast into
No beginning no end towards thy heart
You've placed thou sins
Now signed thy rights to thou heart
You must die, bleed upon me not
For I shall drink thou light
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Meine Wunschliste
"As you see I have a lot of desires that I have on my wishlist, please do not give me nothing off of my wishlist if you're just wanting something in return back, and please do not get me nothing off of my wishlist if you're a bagger, second hand please do not get me nothing off of my wishlist if you're just plain out want to have me give you more of myself than I can completely offer", "THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME"