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Avatar seit: 2007-02-03
Age: 36
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"I wonder when it\'ll end"

See My Albums (1)

Did you ever love me, do you want my love...why?

Is loving the same to you as it is to me. I'm frightened to lose myself to those indulged in this sickness of love.
When did love lose all meaning?
I love you....but do I.
Perhaps not.
No...not at all

Pretending not to notice,

I gazed far outside a small window.

Where can I go so that the sadness of being alone will disappear?

Falling deeply deeply into an almost forgotten dream, I am now, Mizerable.

My feelings will never reach you..

Species: Felixinin
Eye colour: Magenta
Hair colour: Chestnut brown
Current hairstyle: Midlength
Skin tone: Pale/ Ginger Freckles
Distinctive features: Black cat ears/tail, magenta cat eyes, small sharp claws
Voice: Soft youthful.
Body type: Petite
Height: 5'3 1/2
Waist: 25 inches
Weight: 6 stone/ 84 pounds
Likes: Shiny objects, Friends, His cat ears, Soubi, fairy cakes, raspberry and white chocolate chip cookies (home made ^_^)
Dislikes: Rainy days, Cruelty to animals, Solitude, Secretive people.
Favourite colour: Purple
Favourite food: Pineapple upside down cake
Favourite season: Fall/ autumn
Aspirations: Friendship, security, a loving family. Falling in love. Finishing school with grades to be proud of.
Current Favourite Song: Moonlight Sonata

friendly Friends 6
visitors Visitors 272
kharma Gifts 6
generosity Generosity 30

Jemand Besonderes
If there is a secret, to want to disclose it is human nature. That's the way of things. If its a secret that's not suitable to reveal then you shouldn't reveal it. Max, I can't disclose any secrets if I really want to love you. I love you.
Meine Freunde(6)
This is a select group of people who consider themselves friends of mine, It saddens me that alot of the time people like this are not online. However, when I manage to eventually see them and the time we spend together, it is ever so more precious to me.

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