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Age: 33
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"Hey Waz up? im Anastasia"

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Where was your soul born?[pics + detailed answeres]

Your soul was born in the Ocean.The true daydreamer. Your element is Water. You're calm and collected, just like Earth, but unlike Earth you love to daydream. You love to create a world of your own and just drift away in daydreams. You observe but you rarely interfere. You don't like large crowds, but you have a few friends and you're not afraid of making more as long as you don't have to take the first step. You're careful to pick your words and you hate to hurt people. You are very easily hurt yourself and if someone harms you or your friends in any way, you will probably never trust that person again. You need to face the world. You can't hide in your dreams forever. Don't give up just because something didn't go as you planned! More chances will come.
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who's your sexy celebrity soul mate?

Your soulmate is Ryan Gosling
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The name of your dream guy (So you'll be one step closer to finding him)
10 hot guys! (On fire!! Which one will you choose?)

Orlando Bloom! I love his accent!
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The best nickname for you
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What Type Of Romance Do You Wish For?(GIRLS ONLY!!)

the fantasy storythere is a guy at school who always keeps to himself, yet, he is always watching you. you also fid this sort of attractive. you are on your way home when a robber grabbes you, as you scream for help, you see a masked hero fight the robber. soon, the fight is won by the masked man. he stares as you too. you cant get the words out because you are strucken with fright, thanks, and love for him. he walks over to you and holds out his hand. you slowly grab it and soon, you are soring over the town with this man. he lands on top of a high up building. he lets you down and looks into your eyes. "you seem trustworthy, can you keep a secret..." he asks. you slowly shake your head."yes," he slowly removes his mask to revel that he is the boy from school. he boldly states, "i know you may say this is crazy, but i love you..." you pull him into a hug. "i love you too..." you look into his eyes and kiss him. suddenly, you wake up with the same clothes you had on..."was it all a dream..."
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What Kind Of Kiss Are You? (girls AND guys)

You are a sweet kiss. You love to feel special. You save that kiss for that special someone, perhaps a person you have had a crush on for awhile. Nothing is better to you than being showered with affection, and being able to do the same back. You love to feel special.Your color is: pinkYour candy is: chocolate heart with caramel inside
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