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Avatar seit: 2007-03-17
Age: 35
United States - FL
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"I'm Engaged!!!!^_^"

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animated layout powered by HOTFreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments I love the water and everything about it! I love that it can be loving and caring, but also hard and unforgiving. It can keep the world alive, but then it can also destroy it. I try to bring peace to the world, and if not the world, then to one person. I love every thing and hate nothing! I'm still trying to find my self, but I'm well on my way. I believe in showing people who you really are, and if you have purple, blue, or pink hair, or tat2s on your body than that's who you are! There's no reason to be some one you're not to please others. If you're happy with your self than others will see that, and if they don't than that's there problem! Just because people look weird doesn't mean that you shouldn't give them a chance!...................................................................................................... Any info about me that is not on this page would be confidential. Sorry but that's the rules! MyHotComments.com
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
Meine Interessen
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)

The illusionist!
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What Kind of Furry Are You? (with lovely images)

Big Cat Furry (leopard, puma, cheetah, panther. ART COPYRIGHT TO: www.redpanda.com (Sara Palmer)
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AQUARIUS - (1/20-2/18) Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to Have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
Friends, dragons, blue, cats, Art, music, water, Family, beach, Aquarius, harrypotter, chating, United States, sewing ANIME!!
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friendly Freunde 1
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kharma Geschenke 14
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The Hex Girls!!! from Schooby Doo My Immortal By Evanescence. Once upon a December from Anastasia LOL OMG I LOVE this seen from Tarzan This is the song Numb by Linkin Park in piano! Its beautyful!!
Meine Wunschliste
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
Courtesy of SparkleTags.com
Courtesy of SparkleTags.com
What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres]

Your element is Wind. You are the guy/girl that is unpredictable. No one knows what you're going to do next and what you're in the mood for. Studying is not your thing and you would rather go to a party than stay home. Life is just for fun and you need to be free to live according to you. You waste no time on lies, if you feel or think one thing you say it even if it hurts. Of course, people may be quite upset but that doesn't really bother you. It's not that you don't care, because you do, but in these situations it's a waste of time. You live up in the clouds and are quite a dreamer about life. People often consider you beautiful, but harsh and they would think twice before getting to know you. But once they do, they'll learn that you are always willing to take yourself and your friends on adventures. Never will it be a boring time with you and your friends appreciate that. You are not often seen sad, but you have your times. If someone has been mean to you, you can quite easily trash-talk them for betraying you. Nevertheless, you are most of the time a good spirit who just want to have some fun.
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What is your connection with darkness? [pics]

Your connection with darkness is through your depression. Hated, sad and often feeling lonely, there is only a few that appreciate the real you. You tend to keep to yourself and away from the world since you don't want to be hurt and betrayed again. Music gives you the understanding you need to get through; it's your "therapy". Or you express yourself through art or writing to get emotional releases. Chances are you're also an anti-social person, who only enjoys spending time with close friends, if even that. The world has finally showed it's true face for you it feels, and you wish life wasn't this miserable to live through. Maybe you'll find happiness in the future, but right now you're simply hiding away from the world. Who needs people anyway?
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.:HB:. Adam LambertJeans(1)GOTH ZIPPER PANTS*DeeViousDeceitPVC-PANTS[MM]Sleeveless JackPUNKF
[luci]Jack Skelliboot F|MTL|Jack's Emo Pant v2Jack Black SoundboardJack Fingerless GlovesJack socks
Jack the Cat (pet)Red Tiger babyTiger Pet TreeMy Family home v2.# Anim plant silver
(PX)Drv Single Couch Set[PLM]dark fountainwhite tiger 1(T68)Lapis Pose Bedemo heartless

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