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elven with changling abilities (simalar to shapeshifter)




healer,able to change appearance to just about anything and other undiscovered powers, ability to block some types of attacks. Empath, time walker


using her powers causes physical weakness. Therefore she must be careful using them.


she knows how to be light hearted and jovial but will not tolerate rudeness or her family and friends to be treated wrong. People always tend to be shocked at the wisdom in her choices and knowledge because it doesn't seem to fit someone who is as young as she appears. She is very accepting of ppl from all walks of race, even those who think they are unacceptable. She has learned that the person who seems the darkest inside, has hidden within them... the brightest light, even though they usually can not see it themselves. She is loyal to a fault to the ones she loves often causing heartache.


Mother an elf, father a drow. Because of this, thier family was labled an outcast. Parents died when she was 5 by an attack on thier family by her fathers clan. Most of her memorys concerning this are very vague.

She has been captured numerous times and used as a slave as a child, but had always managed to escape because of her changling powers. Everyonce in a while she will find a place to stay for a while, thinking she has found acceptance or a permanent home, only for it to fall apart, be rejected or someone to fall ill. Part of her can be shy to some people, especially those she sees as a threat. She is polite and loving but doesn't take well to changes. If you are patient with her she will adjust but she tends to dig in her heels a bit at first. She doesn't like rudeness and allthough shy, she will speak right out against someone behaving badly or treating someone unjust. She has many fears due to her dark past and wishes for a family where she can feel safe and secure for once.

Present Day

After living many happy years in her village called Teaglach, it burned to the ground one night. A few people living there, got out with thier lives, but home was destroyed. Since then, Symphony wandered, searching for a new place to call home.

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My amazing sister. So thankful you entered my life. Just when I needed you, you were there. It was a friendship planned by God. :)
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If you were on my friends list and got deleted, don't be offended. I don't like having a long list of "friends" that I don't even talk to. So if we really don't ever talk, I'm not going to keep you on my list and clutter up my messenger and my page. Don't take it personal. :) You can always request a chat again.

I won't really approve buddy requests unless we have a specific common ground and I plan on hooking up to chat with you.

I stay away from adding any guys to my buddy list, even if you are perfectly harmless and well meaning. I don't want to do anything that would cause my guy to worry when I am on here. Better safe than sorry. :)

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Which dark angel are you? With pictures
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Fallen Angel

You are a fallen Angel. Long ago something happen that was so horrible it changed the corse of you're life for the worst. You heart has been shattered and you have trouble picking up the pieces. Tears come naturally to you..and it seems that latley thats all you do.

Fallen Angel


Lonley Angel


Angel of Death


Misunderstood Angel


Innocent Angel


Gothic Angel


Perfect Angel

Über mich
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 VIP Club-Mitglied
Avatar seit: 2008-03-14
Age: 53 18+ Age Verified Alter bestätigt
United States - MD
Last log on:

"I love Jesus, but i cuss a little"

See My Albums (6)

Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts - Fantasy Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds

Here is a bit about me in RL standards.

This page is my outlet and will change often because that is life inside my mind. Always changing.

Ok, so you want to know about me. I'm a very passionate person, and sometimes insecure. I don't have trouble with conflict and you never have to wonder where you stand with me. I'm compassionate and have a tendency to see the potential in ppl instead of who they choose to be.

I've been diagnosed bipolar and am ADD. I am an abuse survivor and that abuse has resulted in my sometimes not "having it all together" at times.. I know there are many of us out there, but most choose to try and hide it. I have chosen IMVU as my outlet and it is a wonderful place to express all that is within me. I am the type of person who doesn't beat around the bush. I am blunt and upfront. Sometimes ppl think that I am rude. I try not to be rude...but ppl see truth as rude at times. You always know where you stand with me. Some ppl love that about me, others hate it. If you break my heart, I may never trust you again, but I will always love you. I can't turn off my heart. I wish wish I could. I don't know how others do it. I tend to forgive maybe a bit too much.

Being me, there are many aspects of my personality that you could be blessed with knowing. I change from day to day. Some aspects are predictible but never think you know me too well, cuz you will be mistaken.

All in all, this makes up I. Struggles and all. I have conflictions inside my mind all the time. I will completly forget converstaions I've had with you many times. And other times I will remember them so detailed that it angers you.

I will get time confused, loose track of days, and can go from loud and crazy to shy and quiet in a moment.

People always have seen me as strong, but really, I feel so weak and wish that someone would be there to hold my hand through the darkness. the darkness I have walked so many others through.

My heart is terribly wounded and although I want to trust, I'm fearful, to the point of death of trusting another with all that is inside of me.

One of my biggest passions is to sing. It is how I get lost and release my stress.

Oh, and usually, when you find a friend in me, you are in my heart forever.

Can you handle all this? Sometimes I can't. Sometimes I'm so overwhelmed with all that is inside of me that I just want to disapear. Maybe, eventually, dispite how you do not want to admit it, you will think the same thing in time. Many others have.

As a matter of fact, most everyone at one point either has or will. I hear promises all the time about how "they" will stay and never leave...a friend for life...but as soon as you miss one of thier beats...as soon as you fall apart, as soon as you don't do or say what they want you to....all those promises are null and void.

And whats sad is....I will continue to love each and every person, while I cry the tears, because thats what I do. I love.

There are a rare few who love me inspite of my flaws. For them, I thank my Lord for. I could not breath without you all. The ones who accept me wether I'm walking, crawling, laughing or crying. Photobucket IMVU Scrolling panels

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
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Meine Wunschliste

Thanks to all who gift me. I, as many on here do, keep a wish list of things I want to go back and buy later on, so please don't think that my wish list is something I'm hoping someone will buy for me. (although I wouldn't fuss at you if you felt that desire,hehe)

🅙 Fern black pearl🅙 Alma black pearlKnited Ripped BeigeRarity Jeans Dark BlueWhite Summer Dress
[A] Reese Blonde[A] Gypsy Top V3SummerAlfresoCross Couple Bundle
Roses Valentine BundleLaced HeelsLaced JeansCosima BundleReinna honey
And The Thunder RollsSPRING 2024|LZ|Couple Sandals Lady|LZ|Couple Swimwear Lady|LZ|Holiday Dress Blue
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