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Avatar seit: 2006-11-25
Alter: 53
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"punk treehugger extraordinaire"

See My Albums (1)

OK Let's start by weeding out the idiots.

If you think you're a vampire we're probably not going to get along. You don't need friends - you need a therapist. If you're some sort of suicidal manic depressive or think this is just an extension of your neighbourhood bondage and S&M group then I'm not your man either - go play elsewhere.

If you think you're a "furry" then I've got news for you - you're not ! I know this to be a fact because paws are rubbish at typing and using a mouse.

And if you're idea of manners is to punch random people you've never met then I suggest you look me up when you've graduated from the anger management class.

If you say "I love you" within 5 minutes I'm guessing you aren't old enough to be using a computer without parental supervision. Go look up the word "paedofile" on the web then take some parental advice.

And last but not least, if you've got nothing interesting to say then stop wasting my time - go back to counting paperclips or whatever it is you used to do for a hobby and quit inflicting your sorry self on the world.

OK so if you got this far, welcome to my homepage :)

If you are one of those rare and beautiful things on IMVU - a sane, intelligent, funny, stable, interesting human being - then I'd love to talk to you.

I love chatting with people who are happy to share something of themselves and their ideas and their life, who are funny and interesting and have opinions and are not afraid to state them. I love people who can have a laugh and share the ups and downs and beauty of this fascinating planet.

If this is you, look me up

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