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Avatar since: 24.10.2006

Age: 33
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Hey everyone I'm Emma && I'm actually 14 even though it says I'm 15 above but the rest about me is true. I live in Australia && I'm a female well durr. I'm a very fun, crazy, whacky && random individual who likes meeting && having fun with people. I have many inerests as you can see by my interest panel lol ^_^ My favourite colour is purple (not that you'd be able to tell by my page haha) && have the biggest sweet tooth on record :D i LOVE my movies my music and always have soemthing strange or interesting going on in my life so there's a few topics to get you started :D I will always enter a conversation with positive energy and have fun quite frankly people who don't say much and seem bored bore me so that's why I may leave!! o.o I always try && maintain a good relationship with the people I meet and adore people who do the same. I feel very strongly that everyone should be themselves and it really annoys as well as disapoints when people feel like they have to become somebody else :( *** Remember you were born an original don't die a copy*** I love reading the messages you guys leave me soo don't be stingy!! I will always reply back it's just a kind gesture it won't kill you :D thanks xxxx
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Stained Glass Watermelon*Pc* Jumper In whiteBlack-pink Kitty Ears[*L] Blk Glve/Blk NailCaYzCaYz PrincessNlacesP
{K} Hearts Black DressBm*Pnk/Wht Mini Dress[J] Spotty Tie F*CS* Black Pearls{K} Rainbow White Shirt
{K} Rainbow MiniSkirtBB*Dark Brown Ayu*CS* Polka Belted TubeCaYzCaYz PrincessCoatsCaYzCaYz PrincessEarring
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