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Avatar since: 26.07.2007

Age: 36
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my besties today i gave up
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
okiez well first meh ditte marie mclaren nd meh a vegetarian **no comment im not a fake i HAAAAATE FAKES so if chu ish one G-O nowrite well i 16 nd ish yaz want ta nose more just chat wif meh bie<33biez oh and 1 last ting here meh cell # 330-703-5954 call meh and if i no pick up LEAVE MSG!!! okiez now bie<33 biez
 <3 Get yours @ <3

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Jemand Besonderes
she ish likehy ta bestiest person in teh world in meh barley no her but she tells teh facts as they are nd striaght out tells yew she ish soo nice nd i was a bitch to her at first nd i regret it and teh best ting ish that she 4gave meh she ish an awesome BESTIE fwiend and yew have ta met her first impressions arent always teh rite impression she tought meh that all in all she a PERFECT PERSON nofin change that i fuffz her to she DA BEST!
ily bestieriesteriest fwiend nd thankiez shelby thankiez

one of meh best bestie

she a reaaaaaaaaaaaly nice fwiend if ya get teh chancce get ta no her

he a awesome fwiend all teh time evweyday he help ya wif anyting anytime

he a funny fweind all teh time lolz he make ya laugh juz tinkin bout em

true friend

another awesome true friend

picture perfect
lets start a riot!

Meow ;)
My Wish List

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[AB]Leopard Spots- Lt Cm[EMO] Love = Suicide*R Black Glam Nails*S* Emo Punk Skull Dress[morf] Car<3 Sneakers
[Dt]ToxicCrown kickzG1*MB;[F]SKULL CRAz [)UNKz*.904.* `BAM! - HB[RC] Onyxbull[txc] New Green Room!
(m)Ash- bleachNpinkspacerspacerspacerspacer

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