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Type here all the information you want for your page!

You can make lists like this:
Ta daaa
Ta daaa
Ta daaa
Ta daaa

Make things: BOLD Make things: Italic Make things: Underlined Or go nuts have have it all: UnderlinedBoldedItalic text!

You can type as much as you want here, because if this all gets too long, the DIV will make scrollbars come up at will! w00t!

If you want to change the font, size and/or colour, look up this code and edit the parts that says '"verdana" size="1" color="white"' to your liking :)

This layout image is transparent, this means it will show the background that's behind it. To see what I mean, find an awesome background image then look up this code and edit the part that says "background-image:url(http://ENTER BACKGROUND URL HERE);" and then after you save and refresh your page, your new background should be there! :D

I hope this example of your page helps you and that you are now on your way to making your IMVU homepage just like you want! :D

If you want to know more about HTML editing to improve your page, like add images and so on, I recommend the site that taught me the basics in HTML and a site I still use now when my memory fails me :P

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