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thx fa showin yah lub, so this goes out ta u, da hompage vistor (till a new person checks it out lol :)
my step-mami, shes verri nice and sooo help-ful with advice :)im soo happy that im there step-daughter
step-dad iz sooo kind and funni 2, im soo happy dat im there step-daughter
ma grandmama, she iz soo kool like everytime i talk to her i jus start laughin. plus shes in school 2, so were both tryin hard. so here's lov fo ma grandmama
ma grandad who tries 2 look out for da fam
ma 1st babigrul, shes really funni and keeps it real, jus lik ha cuzin, lub ya lola :)
this is 2nd ma babygirl, shes jus lik ha mama (and daddy lolz). Ohh and if ya'll eva see xXxnotoriousxXx , tell me ta see his daughter. thx, appreciate it lolz. but yea, ma babygirl is jus a lil princess, so ima try ta get ha everything she wants. lub ya deanna!
ma 3rd babigurl she alwayz has sumthin nice 2 say, lol and soon she'll be as spoiled as ha sista once i get ma creditz lolz. oh ya another thing iz she loves ta get ta kno da fam :)
ma 4th daughter, shes alomst the same age as her older sis diamond and reminds me soo much of ha great grandmotha.
only son! Ladies becarful, cuz I don’t play wen it comes ta ma babiboi. hes verrry funni and alwayz got sumthin smart ta say lolz
ma 2nd babiboi, hes jus a yr older then his lil sis roxi. and jus lik his big bro, he alwayz got sumthin ta say, only there kind words lolz
ma 5th babigurl, shes very kind and a lil shy buh shes very sweet and considerate soo thatz a very gud thing :) plus she has a imvu daughter! (how amazin ma youngest iz da 1st lol)
ma step-babi, shes like deanna’s twin sista n gets along wit all ma kidz jus great :)
ma step adopted daughter, she fits rite into da fam :)
ma sis iz a imvu mami 2! buh she only has 3 (soo itz less stressful for her lolz). buh wat i lik bout ma sis iz she's alwayz got ma bak n trust i got hers soo be on da lookout!
this is my sis and my good friend on imvu. she's soo funny and always makes me laugh. and at the same times we try ta slove eachothers problems in life which is very helpful :). we can jus tal for hours about absolutely anything and most important shes very kind. lub ya sis
no matta wat ma big bro alwayz told me "ima alwayz hav ya bak, and then on if i eva had a probelm i'd tell him. and best beileve if anyone got a probelm wit him ima be rite by his side!
lil bro iz alwayz askin for advice from me and chances are im doin da same lolz through thick n thin he alwayz someone ta talk 2 :) lub ya lil bro
thiz boy would pratically do anything for me and hes not even apart of da fam lolz. still hes a great friend who i totally respect 2 da fullest! plus i really respect his swagga, another thing i gotta lov is his total respect of my choices. soo no matter wat leon, i got chu :)
they say theres alwayz 1 person n da fam whos a lil.......ya lolz. well no one fitz dat description betta den ma lil bro thad, who will flirt with any gurl (sumthimes family lolz)reguarless hes apart of da fam n hes kool ta talk 2
diz iz ma ex husband lolz buh hes still ma babies's daddy so i gotta be nice 2 him (plus life iz 2 short ta be mad). And hes still a nice guy, i jus wish he'd get somthin for his imvu daughters (and son lolz)
iz ma 1st babi-daddy, which iz lola’s dad. Itz a long story, buh ta make it really short, hes a kool guy (wen he pays his child support! Lolz)
ma 1st grandbabi, very kind and polite like ha mom roxi
A gud person ta talk 2 in harsh times. So i wish her the best for her future relationship, with a gud friend of mine :)
my sweet grandbabi (deanna’s daughter)who jus got married! yay! lolz they grow up sooo fast *sniff* lub ya grandbabi
NinjaPirateMatt A best friend who always makes me laugh and iz always there for me And I honestly would do tha same for him, no matta wat I, thru real bad times I jus wanna let him kno that I care bout him…lov ya matt!