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hitsugayatoushiro123 has no special someone. Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket and hinamori/1014hh.jpgPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket if u want to know about momo heres her info :Hinamori is an upbeat and easygoing girl who gets along with nearly everyone she meets. Hinamori is generally quite trusting, but also very impulsive and naïve. She greatly admires her former captain, S�suke Aizen, whom she became a shinigami just to serve under, and Hinamori refuses believing that Aizen intentionally betrayed Soul Society. Her appearance is fairly ordinary compared to other shinigami in Soul Society. She wears her hair up in a bun with a cloth wrapped around it. According to Tite Kubo, Hinamori's name was changed at the last minute; she had a completely different name in the sketch stage.[6] Hinamori grew up in Junrinan, District 1 of Rukongai, along with T�shir� Hitsugaya. While Hitsugaya tended to be a bit of a brat as a child and insisted that he would protect her, Hinamori found him amusing and treated him in an older sisterly fashion, and the two became close friends, with Hinamori giving him the nickname Shiro-chan (little Shiro in English Anime). When Hinamori entered the shinigami academy, she excelled at kid�. It was there that she met Kira and Renji, who soon became her friends and, later, her fellow lieutenants. They were placed in the 5th Division of the Gotei 13 under Captain Aizen and his lieutenant, Gin Ichimaru. While Kira and Renji would later leave to other Divisions, Hinamori remained in the 5th Division and became the division's lieutenant (through much hard work, as noted by Hitsugaya). Hinamori's zanpakut� is Tobiume (飛梅, lit. flying plum tree). The command for its shikai is "snap" (弾�, hajike?).[7] In the English dub, she also adds the word "deflect," though she does it after announcing the full command phrase. When its shikai is activated, Tobiume's blade straightens and produces several jitte-like prongs along its length. In this form, Tobiume acts as a focus for Hinamori's spiritual power, concentrating it into energy bursts capable of cratering floors and breaching walls. Hinamori can also compress her power into massive energy balls and toss them from the blade's tip. In the game Bleach: Blade Battlers, Tobiume creates crimson fire instead of pink-colored energy bursts, though normally this same fire trails the blade just before she fires
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if u want to know about me here is my info: T�shir� Hitsugaya is very young by Soul Society standards. Born in Rukongai,[3] he became the youngest ever to reach captain rank.[3] Thus, he is called a "boy genius" by many. He is short (because of his age) and has white hair, which tends to draw attention in the human world. He wears standard captain's clothing, save for a green sash around his shoulders, and sometimes walks around in his tabi; however, he is the only shinigami that carries his zanpakut� on his back aside from Ichigo Kurosaki, whose zanpakut� necessitates such a style. Hitsugaya's short stature and the blade's length may explain the similar style. His sheath dissolves whenever he draws his sword. Hitsugaya is generally mature and serious, in contrast to his free-spirited lieutenant, Rangiku Matsumoto. Despite their philosophical differences, he and Rangiku seem to be very close. Hitsugaya is shown to also be easily annoyed by others goofing off or drawing unneeded attention to themselves, as shown when he led a team of shinigami into Ichigo Kurosaki's school. Hitsugaya hates anything that he deems childish and hates being described as something close to a child, an elementary school child for example, a further contrast to his appearance. This is more shown in the omake chapters of Bleach, such as the short comics in VJump and the sand castle contest chapter released along with chapter 238. He is also mistaken for a kid in several of the omake chapters, much to his annoyance. During the ending credits of Sealed Sword Frenzy, he was in the human world and dressed in a young boy's school uniform, and Hinamori had to practically drag him out of hiding. He is overly protective of Momo Hinamori, due to fact that they were old childhood friends. Hitsugaya dislikes summer and warm weather in general. Hitsugaya is easily annoyed when anyone (especially Momo Hinamori) refers to him by anything other than his title, Captain Hitsugaya. Hinamori has called him by "Hitsugaya-kun," and both she and Ukitake have occasionally used "Shiro-chan" (シロ�ゃん) � a nickname meaning "Whitey" (Snowy in the English manga) in reference to his hair � in both cases without repercussion, however. In the Shinigami Golden Cup sketches (omakes found at the end of episodes of Bleach), Jūshir� Ukitake comically gives Hitsugaya candy and other food because "Jūshir�" and "T�shir�" sound similar and because they both have white hair, making them both "Shiro-chan." The first character in Hitsugaya's given name, T�shir�, means "winter," which is appropriate given his white hair and ice type zanpakut�. Ichigo also calls Hitsugaya by his given name, much to Hitsugaya's annoyance despite his protests, making him one of three captains Ichigo refers to in this manner (the others being Byakuya Kuchiki and Kenpachi Zaraki). Hitsugaya's intuition is extremely sharp, and he is one of few captains to correctly suspect Gin Ichimaru of foul play, though he understandably didn't suspect S�suke Aizen of the same. During his duel with Gin Ichimaru in the anime, Ichimaru remarks that Hitsugaya is the embodiment of a heavenly guardian that would be reincarnated once in awhile. This is attributed to his given name, which is a homonym for a casual Japanese term meaning "amateur" (�四郎), possibly referring to Hitsugaya's young age and inexperience relative to the other captains of the Gotei 13. [edit] History Hitsugaya comes from Junrinan, District 1 of Rukongai. There, he lived with an old woman, Momo Hinamori, and possibly other people. Little else is known about his past, but it is known that he became a shinigami shortly after Hinamori. He is also a friend of Jidanb�, the West Gate Keeper, and was the one who taught him the "city rules."[4] As a child, Hitsugaya was a bit of a brat who liked to eat watermelons and poke fun at Hinamori. She would call him "Shiro-chan" (Lil' Shiro in the English dub) and he would retort by calling her "Bed-wetter Momo." The two were close friends and Hitsugaya, despite being younger and much shorter than his friend, always felt that he needed to protect her. With Hitsugaya's natural talent, he quickly entered the shinigami institute shortly after Hinamori, despite his age. She continued to call him "Shiro-chan" out of habit and felt she needed to protect him. Because of a promise she had made, she only began to call him "Hitsugaya-kun" after he had achieved his zanpakut�'s shikai and was recognized as a shinigami. Highly capable and knowledgeable, he quickly became the youngest of the captains within the Gotei 13. [edit] Synopsis Introduced along with the rest of the Gotei 13, Hitsugaya's sharp sense of intuition and keen sense of observation leads him to suspect 3rd Division captain Gin Ichimaru of foul play as the circumstances surrounding the coming execution of Rukia Kuchiki become more complicated. He warns Hinamori of these suspicions, which inspires her to attack Gin following Aizen's murder, leading him to lock both her and Izuru Kira in prison. Hitsugaya also warns Gin that if he causes Hinamori to drop even a single drop of blood he will kill him, culminating in a short battle between the two. Hitsugaya manages to freeze Gin's arm before Matsumoto interrupts and breaks it up. Seeing how destructive Rukia's execution is becoming, Hitsugaya tries to stop the execution by appealing to the Chamber 46, only to discover all 46 members are dead and Aizen is responsible for murdering them, having faked his death. When Hitsugaya discovers Hinamori injured and asks Aizen why he did it, Aizen replies that he was being compassionate and states that admiration is the furthest thing from understanding. Hitsugaya tries to kill him, but ends up just as wounded as Hinamori. During the anime filler arc, Hitsugaya later sends several shinigami to fend off the Bount in Karakura Town. When the Bount infiltrate Soul Society, he, along with Renji and Matsumoto, investigate reports of Bount activity in a forest in Rukongai. The Bount, however, are gone by the time they reach the forest. Hitsugaya later has a battle with the Bount Koga G�, whom he easily defeats thanks to the advantages his style of combat holds over Koga's. Though he assumes the Bount to be dead, Koga survives. Hitsugaya later leads a group of shinigami assigned to defend Karakura Town against the arrancar threat. During the first attack, he battles Shawlong Qufang. Though heavily injured, he wins after being allowed to remove his power limit. Hitsugaya then has a conversation with Hinamori through video-conference. Hinamori apologizes to Hitsugaya about pointing her sword at him, Hitsugaya tells not to worry about it. After bickering, they start talking about Aizen. Hinamori, who still cares for her former captain, begs Hitsugaya to save Aizen, thinking that Gin is manipulating him somehow. Angered by the fact that Hinamori is still devoted to Aizen, despite what he did to her, Hitsugaya hopes for revenge. During the second attack, he fends off Luppi. Though initially unable to defend against Luppi's attacks, being knocked to the ground in a single hit, Luppi's inattentiveness gives him ample time to build up a finishing move. Luppi escapes death and promises to kill Hitsugaya in turn; however, he is later murdered by Grimmjow. Upon learning that Orihime has followed the arrancar back to Hueco Mundo, Hitsugaya and his team return to Soul Society to help in the preparation for war against Aizen. [edit] Hy�rinmaru Hy�rinmaru's shikai.Hitsugaya's zanpakut� is Hy�rinmaru (氷輪丸, lit. "Ice Ring", idiomatically "Full Moon"). When sealed, Hy�rinmaru looks almost exactly like a normal zanpakut� with the exception of the guard, which is in the shape of a four-pointed star. The hilt and the sheath are also light-blue, which matches Hy�rinmaru's abilities. Hy�rinmaru's shikai command is "sit upon the frosted heavens" (霜天���, s�ten ni zase?, Viz: "reign over the frosted heavens," English TV: "reign over the frosted frozen sky"). Hy�rinmaru is the strongest of all water-ice element zanpakut� in Soul Society.[5] In its shikai, Hy�rinmaru itself remains the same, but gains a crescent-shaped blade attached to the hilt by a chain. Hy�rinmaru allows Hitsugaya to control water and ice. His slashes create an immense amount of spirit power which overflows from the tip of the blade, creating a flow of ice shaped like a Chinese dragon. The dragon flies at opponents and instantly freezes anything it touches. The chain-blade also freezes anything Hitsugaya traps with it. Hy�rinmaru's bankai.Hy�rinmaru's bankai, named Daiguren Hy�rinmaru (大紅蓮氷輪丸, lit. Great Crimson Lotus Ice Ring, Viz: Great Roaring Coldly Shining Moon), causes ice to flow from Hy�rinmaru onto Hitsugaya, forming into two large wings and a tail. Ice also forms into a dragon's head around his sword hand, encasing it up to the hilt; which is in the shape of an eight-pointed star. His left arm is covered fully until the wrist where it then spans into claws, leaving his hand and fingers free. Hitsugaya's feet are encased in ice in a similar manner to his left hand. Additionally, his wings are capable of folding around him to serve as ice shields. Three "flowers" of ice, shaped similarly to the guard of his zanpakut�, are also created behind Hitsugaya with four petals each, which melt away as Hitsugaya attacks. Hy�rinmaru's bankai has two known special techniques. The first is "dragon hail flower" (竜霰花, ryūsenka?), which freezes any enemy Hitsugaya stabs, locking them into a cocoon of ice and freezing them to the core. Once frozen, Hitsugaya can shatter his opponent. The second is "thousand years ice prison" (�年氷牢, sennen hy�r�?),[6] which forms a multitude of ice pillars using the moisture in the atmosphere. These pillars then envelop the enemy.[7] During a battle with Hitsugaya, where Hitsugaya was fighting under a power limit, the arrancar Shawlong speculates that Hitsugaya's bankai will fade when all twelve petals disappear, assuming that Hitsugaya's bankai is incomplete due to his young age. During his fight with Luppi, Hitsugaya states that as long as there is water in the surrounding area, his bankai can regenerate itself indefinitely, during which time the flowers are not visible.[8] [edit] In other media Hitsugaya appears in the second Bleach movie, Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion, as one of the two main characters. When the "King's Seal," an ancient artifact, is stolen, Hitsugaya goes out in search of the thieves. After crossing paths with and fighting them, he goes missing, leading Seireitei to suspect him of treachery. As Ichigo Kurosaki and others go out in search of Hitsugaya, Hitsugaya himself stumbles across a dark secret concerning a long-dead shinigami IMVU Scrolling panelsPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Click here to get Falling Objects IMVU Layouts\"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> Click here to get Falling Objects \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo"> \"Photo">IMVU LayoutsPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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