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Avatar Bild
Avatar since: 18.03.2006

Age: 59  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States
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Arr, matte where be the Booty?
Relationship Status: Single
Your results:
You are Superman
Iron Man
The Flash
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
Take the quiz:
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger are you?

Red Ranger
You are the Red Ranger, you are Jason. Your weapon is the power sword. You are the T-Rex and the Gorrila.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You Are From Neptune

You are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability. You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea. Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion. You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone. If you don't get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything.
Your Monster Profile
Wicked Murderer

You Feast On: Hot Dogs

You Lurk Around In: Corn Fields

You Especially Like to Torment: Groupies
You Are a Beagle Puppy
Cheerful, energetic, and happy go lucky.
And you're sense of smell is absolutely amazing!
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream
A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core.
You often find yourself on the outside looking in.
Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works.

You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.
You Are a Frappacino
At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern

At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent

You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet

Your caffeine addiction level: low
ex angel
You're like an angel. As everyone knows, angels
dwell in heaven. They were desribed as shining
ones wearing white and the idea that they have
wings is believed as well. Guardian angels are
the ones that many people think are dead loved
ones who try to protect the living friends or
family they have on Earth. They usually had
blonde hair and maybe brown with flawless
appearance and sweet dispositions. They were
cheerful, hopefull, selfless, loving, and kind.
Angels are the one mystical creature that a
majority of people truly believe in. Encounters
with angels are poping up all over the world
and reassuring people's beliefs in angels. (If
you cannot see the picture, go to my userpage
and look near the bottom. There should be the
picture and description for all the results)

What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...delicious
Your hugs are...warm
Your eyes...twinkle in the moonlight
Your touch is...heart warming
Your smell is...exotic
Your smile is...encouraging
Your love is...unique
Quiz created with MemeGen!
Your Daddy Is Patrick Stewart
What You Call Him: Daddy-o

Why You Love Him: He's the Mack Daddy
You Are an Indie Rocker!
You are in it for the love of the music...
And you couldn't care less about being signed by a big label.
You're all about loving and supporting music - not commercial success.
You may not have the fame and glory, but you have complete control of your career.
Your Stripper Song Is
I'm a Slave 4 U by Britney Spears

"I'm a slave for you. I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I'm a slave for you. I won't deny it; I'm not trying to hide it."

You may seem shy, but you can let your wild side out when you want to!
Your Love Element Is Fire
In love, you are a true listener and totally present.
For you, love is all about feeling more alive than you've ever felt.

You attract others with your joy and passion.
Your flirting style is defined by your strong ability to communicate.

Fun and play are the cornerstones of your love life.
And while your flame may burn too brightly, it's part of your appeal.

You connect best with: Wood

Avoid: Water

You and another Fire element: will likely burn out quickly
How to make a flybynight
3 parts intelligence
3 parts self-sufficiency
3 parts ego
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity


Personality cocktail

MySpace Layouts
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

Jemand Besonderes
flybynight1980 has no special someone.
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flybynight1980 doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
Entdecke IMVU Gruppen! Teile Interessen, Erfolge, Tipps, Klatsch, Geschichten und sonst noch alles mögliche mit!
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friendly Freunde 64
visitors Besucher 2295
kharma Geschenke 15
generosity Großzügigkeit 267


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