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Hannah Elizabeth <3

Defiantly a city girl & I forever love the ATL. I plan on moving out when im 18, and living Downtown. Im crazy wild, and nothing anyone can handle. I dont like rules, I prefer freedom & doing what I want. I like old school music & anything to do with the 60's. Im probably totally different than you, thats what I strive for. I dont care for judgementals, and matureness if important to me. I dress up almost everyday & Im in love with fashion. All types, stuff you wouldnt dare wear. I prefer imperfect people, with a story to tell; rather than perfection. xoxo
Cancer, unitedstatesca
Über mich
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Avatar seit: 2006-11-15
Age: 37
United States - CA
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"Glam up , Guns down"

See My Albums (2)

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
Jemand Besonderes
♥Kipp Anthony Mathis, I never thought that one day would turn into something so wonderful & he turned out to be best thing to ever come into my life. I am so in love with him, and every day I only do even more. Its as if everyday is a surprise to something new. I cant go a minute without missing him, and his smile. Ive never cared about any guy as much as I do him. I can tell him everything, and he understands. He means allot to me, and that wont ever change. I do want to be with him forever<3

Almost 7 Months<3

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