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Über mich
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Avatar seit: 2005-10-05
Age: 32
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"What\'s wrong with a little desctruction?"

See My Albums (1)

You probably aren't reading this, but for those of you who are, the name's Kaleigh. I'm a bit quirky :) And energentic. I can sometime speak in my own language and find a sexual joke in almost everything. Laughing is one of my talents, and I do it an awful lot. If I could outrun my train of thought, I'd be an olympic gold medalist. I don't want to blend in with the rest of the world. I like people with opinions, even if i don't agree with them. I don't think i'll ever understand the game of backgammon, but it certainly is fun to say. I like tomato soup, s&v chips and waffles (maybe not at the same time though). I announce when i have to pee and have no idea what i want to be when I grow up. I don't have a chip on my shoulder about the states because they've done more good stuff than they get credit for. I can talk really fast. I'm always listening to music. Everything inspires me. I'm very quite definitley without a doubt not ordinary.

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