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♥ ♥ VMF ♥ friends & family ♥♥♥ ♥ Love & protect the ones I love ♥ Jazz & Classical ♥ IMVU clubbing ♥ Having a good time with friends & family ♥ Meeting & making new friends ♥ Anime ♥ ♥ ♥


Click on the underlined links to get to my FB, Diary and my Dailymotion Channel


The Diary Of Laura Rose Waya

Welcome to that which is my brain !


Laura Rose Wolfangel

{My Facebook Page}



{ My Dailymotion Channnel}.


I love having a light softness to me that shows the feminine in me which dances within my eyes.

More Interests:
four wheelers, Harley Davidson motorcycles, Camping, fishing, hiking, Horses, Dobermans, Rottweilers, pit bulls, WWE, TNA, Wrestling, cat and dogs, Anime, ballet, classical music, Jazz music, cuddling, movies, the beach, Being true to who i am, my sister, honesty, remembering friends/loved ones who've passed away



Loved ones who have passed

Extended New Products Panel generated @ gaf210.imvustylez.net

Nearly 8 years ago we met as strangers, quickly became friends, became sisters and not long ago we became mommy and daughter...bbg mommy loves and misses you

I will miss you

PASSED AWAY 06/03/24

Mein Raum
Meine Interessen
♥family, bbg vicky, Greg B, Nancea, Brandy, Theo, Julian, Sis DJ, DjBobby, Uncle Evil, Angelina, Neil, Lisa, Mena, Bunny, Lee, LillyAnne, Moni, Brian, Atreju, Viktor, Luna, Wicked, Rennee, VMF, D.B.B, XxOutLawRebelWolfxX
❤ OWNED❤ ~~LCO❤TDH~~ ❤VMF/Wolfangel/Family & Friends❤ ❤🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂❤ ~~XxOutLawRebelWolfxX is a good friend~~
Meine Sandkiste
























Meine Wunschliste
H. Modern Coffee Table(AJ) Modern Area RugSummer Lake House CarpetBrown Modern Area Rug[L] VAMPIRE Couple F
Modern 2br 1ba Apt☣ Choker: OwnedOwned -ChainNilayaᵀ Desire Lingerie 🤍
[L]TAKEN Silver Couple F[L] Sexy Chaps Blue[L] Blue Flame Flare[L] Blue Flame 2 Top F!Z King Hoodie
💋 K- l His Queen l FOn his lap💖 UsValentine Roses KissValentines Roses Bouquet
Meine neuen Produkte Alle ansehen
a cool roomRoom SignRoom Sign1Our HomeModern Livingroom SetJim&Laura

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