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Avatar seit: 2006-03-31
Alter: 48
United States - IN
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"And I should care why?"

See My Albums (1)

Let's see if I can sum myself up in a few words.

I don't fit into any stereotype because I have different looks just depending on where I'm going headed. I must say though I've never been preppy as that's one look I just can't get into; not to mention I don't have the attitude to be a part of that "elite" group of sheep...uh yeah, I meant to say individuals. *rolls eyes*

There are certain things going on in this world we live in that annoy me to no end, but alas humankind as a whole just hasn't evolved enough to realize they're fighting over things which are pointless, while ignoring the important matters like the fact that we're destroying our home.

Marijuana should be legalized, but it'll never happen because people who are in control of the U.S. realize they can't make a profit off of something which anyone can grow in their backyard. There are so many medical conditions which can be treated with only a small amount, but to allow this to be legal to the public in general would result in the loss of profits for too many large greedy companies. If the powers-that-be could live a day as someone who could have an easier life if they were to smoke just one joint every couple of days then maybe, just maybe they would realize how wrong they are.

I'm borderline OCD which has it's benefits in my opinion. My husband thinks my lil quirks are odd, but it's just the way things have to be in my life. I won't go into what kind of habits I have, but if you're curious then just ask me sometime. I'm a very open person.

My hobbies tend to change frequently. I discover something new, and it takes hold of most of my attention until something new comes along, or I just get bored with it. I like to do artistic things, but I'm intelligent enough to know I couldn't draw to save my life. Doesn't stop me from having a pile of half finish paint-by-numbers and felt marker posters. I love to play the Sims 2, but I've taken a break from since I got Kingdom Hearts 2. I adore the Final Fantasy games. I love to read especially Anne Rice, but I also have Gone With the Wind and Lonesome Dove sitting on my shelves; along with several books on Wiccan and Pagan beliefs. I love to spend time with my computer so much so that my husband says I love it more than I do him. It's a toss up. *winks* Just kidding hun! I love you! Obviously I love sapphires, and pretty much anything else that's blue. I have blue eyes and blue hair. Just in case you can't figure it out by looking around I'm a member of The Almighty Church of Foamy!!

Guess that's all that comes to mind right now. Good thing too because if I haven't scared ya off by now then if I were to keep going I probably would.

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Friends are what makes life worth living somedays. Those of you who know me from other places know who I really am, and yet you still talk with me. I'm amazed.

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I adore getting presents, but I'm not asking anyone to buy me anything. This is mostly just a list for me to keep track of things I want to get. That said, I wish to thank all of you which have given me something; I appreciate your gifts and hope to return the favor one day.
Silver PentagramSilver TriquestaMidnight MaryJanes v2Midnight Floral MaryJaneBasic Blue Jeans Huggiz
Basic Black Jeans HuggizBM Top - BlueValentine - PixieRikku - Pixie / BlackBlack Skull Boots
Black/white Skull shirt¤C¤Boots stockings White¤C¤Boots stockings BlackInk Demin ShortShortsTricolor halter Blue
Laced stilleto WHITEMicro Black DenimDenim ShortShortsspacerspacer
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friendly Freunde 1
visitors Besucher 364
kharma Geschenke 5
generosity Großzügigkeit 21


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