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Avatar seit: 2005-12-19
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"Erm, Howdy?"

See My Albums (1)

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How's it goin' everyone?
My name is Mateo.
My character is pretty much based on myself to the best that I can do with the limited avatar items that I can find close to what I look like.
So far everything is close enough although I wish I could find a better face..

Anyhow, I'm a pretty open minded guy and I like to talk about pretty much anything.
From indepth to complete insanity filled conversations.
I love sarcasm and joking around.
I can be a bit off the wall at times, I love humor of all kinds.
So please don't take me seriously if you think I'm just being creepy.
Most likely I'm only joking to begin with.
Believe me, I'm harmless.
You could probably beat me up if given the chance. ;d
So if you do talk to me please don't take half of what I say seriously, that is unless we're in a serious conversation.
And if we are talking more serious, hopefully you can handle when someone disagrees with you.
I'm not saying I will but I will speak my mind and it might not be exactly like yours.
I will hear your side of it though, and if I'm wrong I will admit to it.
As long as someone is alright with debating, has an open mind, and doesn't get offended if someone doesnt agree with everything you say, then start up a topic of choice.
All in all, I pretty much get along with anyone as long as you're not an annoying little parasite. ;x

My taste in music stretches very wide in interest.
However, I'm mostly drawn to music created in the 60s & early 90s.
If I had to choose one genre it would have to be Rock.
My all time favorite solo artist is: Billy Corgan.
My all time favorite band(s) are: The Smashing Pumpkins & Nirvana.
Some of the other bands|singers I listen to is listed in my "My Music" section..if you care to check it out.

I'm not really into trends or what's 'in'.
By the time I figure it out, it's already passed me by.
So I just don't bother with it.
Plus I think theres more to a person than keeping with the crowd, or atleast I'd like to hope so.
I'm not saying I'm unique.
I just enjoy being my own person with my own interest.
We don't have to like the same things in order for us to become friends.
I like having a diverse set of friends.

Oh, yeah, I'm also not 39 years old like my profile says.
I didn't realize the site decided on making the age public, so I just put in the birth year of Billy Corgan [Yeah, I'm a bit obsessed haha..].
I am actually over 18 even though I look like I could be about 11. >;| lol.

Alright, I'm just going to stop here before I continue to ramble on more.
If there is anything you'd like to know, just ask. ;]

If you want to see more photos of me its at: An Addicts Empathy

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
Meine Freunde(3)

The terror team!@
We enjoy causing outburst of insanity any where we go.
I'd say for you to fear us but that wouldnt be much fun..
So how about you join us? ;]
Meine Wunschliste

woOeEee..this will take me a while to clean out this list since I'm a broke hobo.
But then again that's what will make it all the more sweeter when I actually do get it. ;]

Lifeless HeadRebel Leather JacketSilverStud Belt (LMD)CBGB shirt{d}Spade Polo-Revisisted
Striped HoodieStripped ArmwarmersFingerless Goth GlovesGrunge Hoodypunk rock emo jacket
Free Hugs - E.Z. teeDirty Punk Flats ~M¤C¤Broken heart Silver SBone HoodyBuckle wristband (L)
B&W Striped shirtPumpkin Glare Boys Tspacerspacerspacer
Kontaktiere mich
Come on now..you know you're just dying to DO IT!@
And if not..I'm dying for you to.
You won't regret it..it'll be a 'joygasm' you'll wish to re-live over and over again. ;d

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Jemand Besonderes
addictsempathy has no special someone.
Meine Interessen

- Music : |Listening| |Playing| |Creating|

- Writing
- Reading
- True Crime : |Biographies| |documentaries|
- Computers

- Billy Corgan
- The Smashing Pumpkins
- Kurt Cobain
- Nirvana

- Penguins
- Pumpkins
- Seahorses

- Humor
- Goofing off with friends
- Open Minded People
- Deep Conversations
- Making new friends
..& a ton more.

Ps. I know, I need better stickers. -_-
Meine Gruppen Entdecke IMVU-Gruppen!
addictsempathy doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
Entdecke IMVU Gruppen! Teile Interessen, Erfolge, Tipps, Klatsch, Geschichten und sonst noch alles mögliche mit!
Meine Outfits View latest
Meine Rankings

Oh how I wish my generosity was marked higher but sadly I'm broke..I'm sorry everyone.
If there was a way to make decent credit another way I'd be randomly sending gifts to everyone.
I wish this site would allow you to transfer items you already have that you no longer use anymore..now that I could do.

On another note I have no idea why my friends seems to be stuck at 6 when clearly I have more buddies on my list then that. o_O
friendly Freunde 3
visitors Besucher 143
kharma Geschenke 6
generosity Großzügigkeit 1

Mein Raum
My Recent Visitors (0)

If you visit me the least you could do is add a comment dammit!@ ;d
I'll be sure to do the same for you. <3
Coole neue Leute

Well, apparently these people are 'cool'..
Don't blame me if you find out their not.
I had no part in this!@ ;d

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