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Hello Stalker's And Welcome To My Home Page :D

Here Is The Place To Know A little More About Me.

Name: Luna.

Age: 23. 2/2/95

Gender: Awesome-Ness.

Status: Forever Alone 3...

My Favorite Color: Blue,Green And Black.;3

Like: Anime,Drawing taking picture of stuff, hang with friends,gift wars,create.

Dislike:,Asking to gift and Asking to link my outfit.

I Love Making New Friends..So I hope We Can Be Friends :3.

I Dont Care How Old You Are, If You Dont Respect Me Im Not Respecting You.

:Don't give someone all of your time if they're only gonna give you half of theirs.

I Want You To Tell Me That You Love Me Without It Being A Lie.

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-The Most Awesome People In My World-
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