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Avatar seit: 2006-06-08
Age: 32
United States - MO
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See My Albums (1)

The Only Real Place To Be
Middle Of All Controversey
West End Of The Mississippi
Welcome To The Midwest

[[Tech N9ne - Welcome To The Midwest]]
I'm Nora. I love meeting new people. Nothing makes me happier than seeing people I care bout smile. Love is a beautiful thing. Cherish it. Hate is and evil thing. Avoid it. I think i have a general idea about the future and whats gonna happen. I normally know if something happened for the good or the bad. I've Never regretted anything. Im happy with what ive done in my past. I might not be proud with it. but i would never change it. cause making mistakes makes u a better person. I think things through. I'm proud of being me. I would never change anything bout me. I love everything. I would never choose my boyfriend over my friends. My friends have always been there for me. I know it sounds a lil mean but, my friends have been through so much with me. Jamie and Miranda especially... i love them more than anything. i would do anything for them. cause they are my everything. I have no idea where i would be without them. Nature is amazing. I'm so glad i live in this world. I see beyond what you see. I see no evil in people i see only good. I see the real them. Everyone has a good heart, they just dont know how to find it. I love everything bout people. We are interesting.

"See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out

It was a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day
" [[Beautiful Day - U2]]

So yea now u have the tip of the iceberg about me. Ask bout anything else. I lovee questions.

Flowers City

vincent valentine
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
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*-*Sexy Diamond Bikini*QA* NYX *B*!M TooSexy SeksCandy PB^MQ^ HEBE ^G^*QA* NYX *W*
!M TooSexy Lucid PBl_Rowan Blond Black:: Chastity Blond Black{fm} Kahoko BlondeS elvira blonde
[EYLM]Fien blondeBlonde Hair*J* marwa Blonde$lu Lucky Blonde^MQ^ SKULD ^B^
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