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Avatar seit: 2006-11-02
Age: 32
United States - GA
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See My Albums (1)

Angel carnina canion;;plain and simple baby!

I'm Angel but currently nineteen:). I laugh at stupid
stuff and I smile over anything and everythingg... I'm a
christian, but it doesn't always show.[barly ever.] I
loove ice creamm and pickles :]. Pandas are my favorite
animals..[: I tend to talk a tad too
much around certain
people. People do start shit with me to often, and people
do continue to run their mouths about shit they don't know
I'm kinda short for my agee, mixeddd, wtih short
brown+red+black+light brown hair. I can't make fast decisions especially not in
front of a crowd and I try not to regret anything.


Photobucket Meeee(:

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
Meine Wunschliste
|S|NoseStaple Blk* Diamond Snake Bites *[IZ] Lime Shockz Scene(bbc) reflect:F: bundle|S| SpiderBites Blk
[69s] CUPCAKE AVATAR*Pc* WhitePinUp Platform$Kietsu Hospital - Neko*Pc* Brown Peep Toe*Pc* Diamonds Necklace
*PH*converse shoes{E}DiamondLipRing* Black Emo Lipring!<3 *[TpM] Runliner.1spacer
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