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Über mich
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Avatar seit: 2005-07-07
Age: 37
United States - CA
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"Hello! What's new? "

See My Albums (1)

I HAVE A NAME CHANGE! I was formerly known as EmpressofChaosia. Hehe I'm not on IMVU as much as I would want to. I got a life to live and art to create. I'll be checking here time to time. Might be able to respond to comments. Also, my IMVU Client isn't working as it should. It works sometimes , sometimes it doesn't 50/50. ^_^' My apologies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to my homepage. . I have attributes of Sailor Mercury aka Ami Mizuno from Sailor Moon, Umi Ryuuzaki from Magic Knights Rayearth, Pirotess from Record of Lodoss War, and Paine from FFX. lol! I'm a nice person as you can see. I haven't done anything good with this homepage. I love taking pictures. ((IT DOESN'T MEAN I TAKE PICTURES OF MYSELF, ONLY OTHER THINGS SO DON'T ASK FOR MY PICTURE.THANK YOU. )) >.> ;D I love reading, drawing anime, playing video games, music, etc etc. =D I love anything that's oriental or Japan related kawaiiness *-* Especially Dragons, Water dragons. I'm the Water dragon guardian ^o^! That is why you see me wearin' dragon boots LOL Especially pixel art dolls and related colorfulness art like those :3 YES I'm an ANIME & MANGA lover and artist. ==================================
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Meine Wunschliste
My wishlist to get later. I usually find something I like and add to my wishlist. So I won't forget. I don't really expect people to buy them for me or unexpectedly. But thanks! ;D *huggles for those who have given her a gift unexpectedly* ^_^ Much love.
-CK- Warriors Fancy Setgown - kimono(DW) Sayer Bundle Purple(DW) SG Bundle Blue(DW) Zurubi Bundle Lite
(DW) Zurubi Bundle FullDRAGON GREEN + 6 SONGS[JE] Mini White Dragon[JE] Silver Asian Dragon[JE] Huge Asian Dragon
![F]! Pam Eyes V2!F! E o s-B Elf Ears Head[zn] ANGIE HEAD DERIV® Amber : Lavender
Pirotess2*Kanji Happiness (R)spacerspacerspacer
Jemand Besonderes
Love you sis. You're the amazing twin in the world! Couldn't live without you. :3

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