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QueenMagic VIP Club-Mitglied
Avatar since: 9.04.2017

United States - TX
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Hubby SlimMagic👑Mom Empress👑Loyal Sub Jl 🙏17 kids-PA Cort🔴LEGENDZ-MAGIC-LEVERSACE
Relationship Status: Married
Meine Interessen
Your Highness QueenSashaLegendz ♦️Jl Loyal Sub👑 Daughters:Lachic,Chocolate,Dede,Iconic,Oriigin,Riah,Jade,Nelly,👑Sons:Prince,KingJr,Kane,Kaden,Kodi👑Sis:LadyDior,QueenLaLa,Nefi CeCe,ROSIE,Rhi,Yris👑Bro:SirDnice&TK❤CuzBee❤LEGENDZ/LEVERSACE
💍Hubby Slim Magic💋Mom EmpressAna❤Loyal Sub Jl👑Daughter Iconic Jen Dede B3AUTIFUL2 2Lovely Lisa Jade Solene Lovely Jenny theiconchic Shea❤Son B0SS King Kane Kodie Kaden❤Sis Lady Queen👑Bro Dnice Jose❤3G-Cat🫶🏽Gs Tay👑Legendz-Magic-LeVersac
Jemand Besonderes
I am in love with my best friend. Thank you for being the man I needed to love me and take care of my heart. Our future is bright. POWER COUPLE...We got this. Loving you Always, Your Queen.
Meine Wunschliste
👑 `A  $5k RubyGCarnaval Mask MeshI** MH Brenna 0.3 LashesCoffee Center Animated[VK] Small Cafe
I~Maternity*Med ClinicLabor & Delivery Room(h) Liana White DressElegant Black GownGorgeous Black Dress
鹿 Traced丨srSL Ice Queen DressSL Luxe Vibe Black🐇 | Mya&Nya💤 hld.SL Sexy Black Gown
Ỿ🌴 | tripleỾ📋 | no promptỾ | waist chain 💋Ỿ | wapspacer
Meine neuen Produkte Alle ansehen
Satin Sass Chair W/PoseMarshmella Fire PitsRed Gown Elegant RLL
Vday Design Blk Mini RLLVday OSexy Mini RLLVDay Casual 2pc Jogger