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Avatar seit: 2006-01-06
Alter: 64
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"Be polite, be professional, have a plan"

See My Albums (1)

Welcome to my small corner of sanity in the wide world of insanity

A little about myself:

o I am old, well not so old, but 46. I am not adverse to chatting with anyone, however, I find it difficult to have anything to say to young ladies (I suppose this would mean most women under hmm 25) Not that I dislike chatting with young ladies, I just have very little to say to them, that whole what do we have in common (however if your interesting and can hold up your end of the conversation, age isn't a problem) . Guys, well I have 2 boys 9 and 21 so I can relate.

o Yes I am happily married, and have been for quite some time. I am here to chat, and enjoy the company of like minded folks. I can do pretty well on most topics, don't be shy, bring it on.

o I work overseas for long periods and chat is one of my major sources of entertainment. Since I don't take myself too seriously, please don't you take me too seriously either.

o I am a big time gun nut, I'm a pilot, I have been there and done that. I enjoy writing for pleasure, reading, learning to play the guitar (yeah right a 46 year old rock star? Hey, it could happen!)

That's a pretty fair oversimplification of an overly simple man.
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LotharTBL has no special someone.
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Little Hobo Enterprises

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friendly Freunde 17
visitors Besucher 1622
kharma Geschenke 4
generosity Großzügigkeit 276

Meine Wunschliste

Ok, I am not much of a clothes horse. I can survive for 90 days at a time on 5 pairs of socks 4 pairs of trousers and 4 shirts. All of the same color. Khaki rules! (don't ask about the underware unless you want to know). If you really want to give me a gift, have at it. Suprise me! Please no chopped up body parts, broken tupperware or foofy drinks (Burbon is designed so it dosn't need to be mixed with anything, serve it neat or not at all)

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