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Just Little O' Me =]

My Lovers ;] :

- Though you do piss me off at times! I still and always will love you no matter what. You have been there for me all the time, and I thank you for that <3 =]

My Summa
- This person right here is my B****. Hell I can't even see her and we still do a lot together she is like the only person I can tell stuff to and will give me an answer, good or bad. She is so real with me and we have a tight friendship, I know when something goes wrong I can always run to her, and she can always come to me! We have talked about sooooooo much together, and I truly think no one world ever get our conversations. You mean like the world to me, I don't know how life would be if I hadn't met you Summabean! Your like just omgosh! I promise if you were a guy we'd be so perfect for each other, I have NEVER got along with anyone better then you, and have NEVER had someone actually get and feel the same way I do about sooo much! You amaze me a lot and gosh I love our "Secret lover" talks lol! I seriously think people would be like "o.O" to our conversations.. I love you so fucking much Summer you just don't know! Thank you for being you babe [ Wiggle brows ] Lmao don't kill me! <3

- Well Ms. Kortni, what can I say I mean you are my best friend, my sister from another mister lol ( She'd call me a dork for saying that) We have known each other for almost 4 years and still going. Though you do drive me crazy and piss me off to the point where I can kill you, I still love you! I know you'll always be there for me as well, and I you. No matter what I can come to you for anything and I know this. We have had our bad times, and little fights ( See how I said little ;] ) I love you! Your my sugarcandy, bookreader, candycake! I love our gay nicknames, our random conversations that go on for hours, I love how one minute we can be pissed then the next laughing at shit others would so not get. You will always be my best friend no matter what happens! <3

Big Brother
- Omg! You make me sick, beat me up, pick on me! AND I'M STILL PUTTING YOU UP HERE. I love you A.D! I don't know what I would do if you weren't there to talk me out of stuff, help me get mom to say yes to stuff she wont say yes to me. I love how we have our random conversations no one will ever know about. No one knows we are actually really close, even if you do get on my nerves I love you, and CAN NOT! Live without you! I need you big brother and I know this! <3 Big beast lol

About me
Nothing to say, just ask if you want to know so bad. I have no reason to lie, it'd be a waste of my time if I did.

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