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Avatar seit: 2007-02-27
Age: 30
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"Come On Baby We Can Change The World"

See My Albums (1)

Hello, how are you?
Like your shoes, love your hair.
Hello, how are you?
Love that shirt, you look great.
Hello, how are you?
Love your pants and your smile.
Hello, how are you?
How's your wife and your kids?
Hello, how are you?
Love that hat on your head.
Hello, how are you?
Missed you so; it's nice to see ya.
I'm Laura
You Probably Guessed That x:
Its Fun To Be Nice :]
But I Know How To Be A Bitch
Love Is My Favourite :]
War Is Stupid
You Could Call Me A Poser
Or You Could Not Judge Me
I Think We Should Be Friends :] addmymyspace www.myspace.com/januaryfalls laurasaur.rawr@hotmail.com

Meine Wunschliste
a present would be n i c e :] <3
Glowy stuff is cool!`Dinosaur & The RobotLittle Shiny Bear.<~Ducky~><~Dogy~>
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LaurasaurxxRAWR has no special someone.
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